Hi i go this error when i tried using the below command
AU fulllist
Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
ERROR [+7060] InitHMMSet: Expected newline after 1'th HMM
ERROR [+2628] AddUnseenCommand: MakeHMMSet failed
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program ./HHEd
gilbert-kohs-MacBook-Pro:HTKTools gilbert__koh$ ./HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdef -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1
--- (Edited on 4/4/2010 10:34 am [GMT-0500] by cufre84) ---
> ERROR [+7060] InitHMMSet: Expected newline after 1'th HMM
did you convert the tree.hed script to mac format? Is this a Linux2Mac line ending issue?
--- (Edited on 4/7/2010 9:49 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---