Speech Recognition Engines

Adapting the HMMs
User: hoangcuongit
Date: 4/8/2010 3:47 pm
Views: 5620
Rating: 5

Hi everyone,

I'm using the HTK to solve my own problem because I choose an approach based on HMM. Of course, I have to create the own mfc_extension file. I did implement successfully all steps as the instruction in HTK book and get a reliable result. I'm currently trying to improve the result by applying HMM Adaptation. The problem is when I generate the transforms (as HTK tutorial 3.4) by using command HERest as follow:

HERest -C config -C config.global -S adapt.scp -I adaptPhones.mlf -H hmm15\macros -u a -H hmm15\hmmdefs -K xforms mllr1 -J classes -h '*/%%%%%%%_*.mfc' tiedlist

I don't get any error message, I only get some messge as follow:

  Using baseclass macro "global" from file classes/global
Attached 4 XFormInfo structures
Attached 4 RegAcc structures

But not any transform file is created after this step meanwhile I expect a transform file with the extension mlr1 to be output under the directory classes according to the HTK book's instruction.

Anyone who ever met a runtime error like this? Could you give me any suggestion to fix it?

Thank you very much.

--- (Edited on 4/8/2010 3:47 pm [GMT-0500] by hoangcuongit) ---

Re: Adapting the HMMs
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/8/2010 4:23 pm
Views: 310
Rating: 5

>Anyone who ever met a runtime error like this? Could you give me any

>suggestion to fix it?

I have not tried this...

YOu might have better luck getting an answer on the HTK email list (or look through their archives).


--- (Edited on 4/8/2010 5:23 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Adapting the HMMs
User: bharu
Date: 2/3/2011 4:14 am
Views: 2391
Rating: 6

Can u post the contents of 'classes' directory here.


--- (Edited on 2/3/2011 4:14 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
