General Discussion

ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto in hSet
User: Pradeepkk
Date: 7/24/2020 9:52 am
Views: 4260
Rating: 0

Dear Team,


Step 10 - Making Tied-State Triphones

I was executing following command

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

I got the error:

AU ./fulllist
 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
  ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for th-hh+eh in hSet
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HHEd


Is it because of the prompt.txt file?

I am having as

*/sample1  Single word


*/sample1  Hello

*/sample2 Hi

*/sample3 Bye


Is this the major reason for failing?

How we can troubleshoot the issue?



Pradeep Karunakar

--- (Edited on 7/24/2020 9:52 am [GMT-0500] by Pradeepkk) ---

Re: ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto in hSet
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/24/2020 9:59 am
Views: 13
Rating: 0

>Is this the major reason for failing?


you need more, and varied, training audio

--- (Edited on 7/24/2020 10:59 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto in hSet
User: Pradeepkk
Date: 7/27/2020 10:04 pm
Views: 5
Rating: 0

Step 10 - Making Tied-State Triphones


I executed the following command:

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

AU ./fulllist
 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
  ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for th-hh+eh in hSet
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HHEd


I tried with the different prompt.txt and training audio files with 10/35/50 recordings with custom inputs i am not able to execute the above command.It is returning the above error.


When i run the demo code the execution pass.Please provide more information how to resolve the issue.


Other than demo example it is not working.



Pradeep Karunakar



Error Log

HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1
HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1

No HTK Configuration Parameters Set

 23/23 Models Loaded [5 states max, 1 mixes max]
RO 100.00 ''
 Setting outlier threshold for clustering
 RO->LS stats
  and loading state occupation stats
  Stats loaded for 23 models
  Mean Occupation Count = 19.415558

TR 0
 Adjusting trace level
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question R_Silence
 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question R_ts
 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question R_y
 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_Silence
 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_C-Back
 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_Strident
 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_Voiced-Fric
 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_Central-Fric
 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
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 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_y
 in HHEd
 WARNING [-2631]  QuestionCommand: No items for question L_z
 in HHEd

TR 2
 Adjusting trace level

TB 350.00 ST_b_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   b[2] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 Via     b[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 End     b[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 2->1 [50.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_r_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   r[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via     r[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End     r[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 3->2 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_iy_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  iy[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via    iy[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End    iy[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 4->3 [75.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_z_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   z[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via     z[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End     z[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 5->4 [80.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_f_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   f[2] : 2  have LogL=-64.819 occ=46.0

 Via     f[2] : 1 gives LogL=-64.819 occ=46.0

 End     f[2] : 1 gives LogL=-64.819 occ=46.0

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 7->5 [71.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ae_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ae[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 Via    ae[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 End    ae[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 8->6 [75.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_n_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   n[2] : 2  have LogL=-49.790 occ=80.1

 Via     n[2] : 1 gives LogL=-49.790 occ=80.1

 End     n[2] : 1 gives LogL=-49.790 occ=80.1

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 10->7 [70.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_m_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   m[2] : 1  have LogL=-68.142 occ=73.5

 Via     m[2] : 1 gives LogL=-68.142 occ=73.5

 End     m[2] : 1 gives LogL=-68.142 occ=73.5

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 11->8 [72.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ow_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ow[2] : 3  have LogL=-68.459 occ=66.9

 Via    ow[2] : 1 gives LogL=-68.459 occ=66.9

 End    ow[2] : 1 gives LogL=-68.459 occ=66.9

 TB: Stats 3->1 [33.3%]  { 14->9 [64.3%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_d_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   d[2] : 1  have LogL=-54.103 occ=19.9

 Via     d[2] : 1 gives LogL=-54.103 occ=19.9

 End     d[2] : 1 gives LogL=-54.103 occ=19.9

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 15->10 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ao_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ao[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 Via    ao[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 End    ao[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 16->11 [68.8%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_aa_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  aa[2] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 Via    aa[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 End    aa[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 18->12 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_t_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   t[2] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 Via     t[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 End     t[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 20->13 [65.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_sil_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start sil[2] : 1  have LogL=-20.748 occ=134.0

 Via   sil[2] : 1 gives LogL=-20.748 occ=134.0

 End   sil[2] : 1 gives LogL=-20.748 occ=134.0

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 21->14 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_er_2_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  er[2] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via    er[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End    er[2] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 22->15 [68.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_b_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   b[3] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 Via     b[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 End     b[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.6

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 24->16 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_r_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   r[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via     r[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End     r[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 25->17 [68.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_iy_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  iy[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via    iy[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End    iy[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 26->18 [69.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_z_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   z[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via     z[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End     z[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 27->19 [70.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_f_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   f[3] : 2  have LogL=-57.299 occ=13.9

 Via     f[3] : 1 gives LogL=-57.299 occ=13.9

 End     f[3] : 1 gives LogL=-57.299 occ=13.9

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 29->20 [69.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ae_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ae[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 Via    ae[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 End    ae[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 30->21 [70.0%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_n_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   n[3] : 2  have LogL=-56.645 occ=34.2

 Via     n[3] : 1 gives LogL=-56.645 occ=34.2

 End     n[3] : 1 gives LogL=-56.645 occ=34.2

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 32->22 [68.8%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_m_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   m[3] : 1  have LogL=-64.192 occ=38.9

 Via     m[3] : 1 gives LogL=-64.192 occ=38.9

 End     m[3] : 1 gives LogL=-64.192 occ=38.9

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 33->23 [69.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ow_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ow[3] : 3  have LogL=-57.741 occ=44.3

 Via    ow[3] : 1 gives LogL=-57.741 occ=44.3

 End    ow[3] : 1 gives LogL=-57.741 occ=44.3

 TB: Stats 3->1 [33.3%]  { 36->24 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_d_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   d[3] : 1  have LogL=-52.142 occ=32.7

 Via     d[3] : 1 gives LogL=-52.142 occ=32.7

 End     d[3] : 1 gives LogL=-52.142 occ=32.7

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 37->25 [67.6%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ao_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ao[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 Via    ao[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 End    ao[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 4.2

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 38->26 [68.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_aa_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  aa[3] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 Via    aa[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 End    aa[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.3

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 40->27 [67.5%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_t_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   t[3] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 Via     t[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 End     t[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.6

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 42->28 [66.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_sil_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start sil[3] : 1  have LogL=-47.264 occ=44.9

 Via   sil[3] : 1 gives LogL=-47.264 occ=44.9

 End   sil[3] : 1 gives LogL=-47.264 occ=44.9

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 43->29 [67.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_er_3_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  er[3] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 Via    er[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 End    er[3] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 44->30 [68.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_b_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   b[4] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.7

 Via     b[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.7

 End     b[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 5.7

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 46->31 [67.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_r_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   r[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 Via     r[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 End     r[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 47->32 [68.1%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_iy_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  iy[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 Via    iy[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 End    iy[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 48->33 [68.8%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_z_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   z[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 Via     z[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 End     z[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.8

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 49->34 [69.4%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_f_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   f[4] : 2  have LogL=-62.900 occ=110.1

 Via     f[4] : 1 gives LogL=-62.900 occ=110.1

 End     f[4] : 1 gives LogL=-62.900 occ=110.1

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 51->35 [68.6%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ae_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ae[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 Via    ae[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 End    ae[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.0

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 52->36 [69.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_n_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   n[4] : 2  have LogL=-48.475 occ=131.5

 Via     n[4] : 1 gives LogL=-48.475 occ=131.5

 End     n[4] : 1 gives LogL=-48.475 occ=131.5

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 54->37 [68.5%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_m_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   m[4] : 1  have LogL=-66.317 occ=28.1

 Via     m[4] : 1 gives LogL=-66.317 occ=28.1

 End     m[4] : 1 gives LogL=-66.317 occ=28.1

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 55->38 [69.1%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ow_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ow[4] : 3  have LogL=-62.184 occ=56.1

 Via    ow[4] : 1 gives LogL=-62.184 occ=56.1

 End    ow[4] : 1 gives LogL=-62.184 occ=56.1

 TB: Stats 3->1 [33.3%]  { 58->39 [67.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_d_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   d[4] : 1  have LogL=-60.186 occ=59.0

 Via     d[4] : 1 gives LogL=-60.186 occ=59.0

 End     d[4] : 1 gives LogL=-60.186 occ=59.0

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 59->40 [67.8%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_ao_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  ao[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.7

 Via    ao[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.7

 End    ao[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 6.7

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 60->41 [68.3%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_aa_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  aa[4] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 8.8

 Via    aa[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 8.8

 End    aa[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 8.8

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 62->42 [67.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_t_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start   t[4] : 2  have LogL=-65.059 occ=10.7

 Via     t[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ=10.7

 End     t[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ=10.7

 TB: Stats 2->1 [50.0%]  { 64->43 [67.2%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_sil_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start sil[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.749 occ=133.3

 Via   sil[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.749 occ=133.3

 End   sil[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.749 occ=133.3

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 65->44 [67.7%] total }

TB 350.00 ST_er_4_ {}
 Tree based clustering
 Start  er[4] : 1  have LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.9

 Via    er[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.9

 End    er[4] : 1 gives LogL=-65.059 occ= 2.9

 TB: Stats 1->1 [100.0%]  { 66->45 [68.2%] total }

TR 1
 Adjusting trace level

AU ./fulllist
 Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
  ERROR [+2662]  FindProtoModel: no proto for th-hh+eh in hSet
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program HHEd


--- (Edited on 7/27/2020 10:04 pm [GMT-0500] by Pradeepkk) ---

--- (Edited on 7/27/2020 10:04 pm [GMT-0500] by Pradeepkk) ---

--- (Edited on 7/27/2020 10:06 pm [GMT-0500] by Pradeepkk) ---

Re: ERROR [+2662] FindProtoModel: no proto in hSet
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/28/2020 9:40 am
Views: 1723
Rating: 0

>prompt.txt and training audio files with 10/35/50 recordings with custom inputs

include recordings of these prompts too.

The way the tutorial is set up, it assumes you have at least included those recordings.  That is what the reference to the 'questions' error is referring to - see step 10 of the tutorial for more info.

You could also skip Step 10 try using the acoustic models from step 9.


--- (Edited on 7/28/2020 10:40 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
