General Discussion

Mozilla's Open Speech Corpora status
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/21/2020 7:19 am
Views: 2053
Rating: 0

from Kelly Davis:

As a result of Mozilla's layoffs, Mozilla's work on speech recognition, speech synthesis, and open speech corpora will be greatly curtailed. This likely means the projects will remain on GitHub, but no further Mozilla resources will be used to develop them. While this is unfortunate, I hope these projects will continue to provide value to you in their current state, and I hope they will continue to thrive as open source projects despite Mozilla's curtailing support.


additional info:

Mozilla Org Wide Updates: Impacts on Common Voice


This means that we will be moving the platform into maintenance mode - we will not be shipping any new features, but will be doing our best to address any current issues and requests. Ongoing community support will also enter into maintenance mode, and we will not have an ongoing community manager.


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