I got this error on Step 10 running this command.
$HHEd -A -D -T 1 -H hmm12/macros -H hmm12/hmmdefs -M hmm13 tree.hed triphones1
.............................. lots of warning msgs....................
AU fulllist
Creating HMMset using trees to add unseen triphones
ERROR [+2662] AddUnseenCommand: there are no existing trees
FATAL ERROR - Terminating program /usr/local/bin/HHEd
I did have to run dos2unix on the tree.hed after I executed this command:
$perl ../HTK_scripts/mkclscript.prl TB 350 monophones0 >> tree.hed
I'm going to check back with step 9 to see if I can figure out what has happened. If you have any idea what I did let me know thanks.
>ERROR [+2662] AddUnseenCommand: there are no existing trees
Not sure what the problem might be... something with your tree.hed script?
i face this problem when i try to run the above command, and i solve it by arranging the file located in tree.hed
after running;
$perl ../HTK_scripts/mkclscript.prl TB 350 monophones0 >> tree.hed
this code,, it adds some codes inside tree.hed, and this codes have to be on a single line startin from
TB 350 ,,,,..................................,,up to }
but the compiler makes it on diffrent lines, so yyou can make them to be on a single line as i said before starting from TB 350 to }