Speech Recognition Engines

Sphinx idea
User: chn
Date: 11/4/2008 6:21 am
Views: 4444
Rating: 6

Now ,I want to modify the "-ceplen 13" to any number what I want,do you think the Sphinx will complete?

Maybe Sphinx would do with  "-ceplen 13" and other will be wrong!

--- (Edited on 11/4/2008 6:21 am [GMT-0600] by chn) ---

Re: Sphinx idea
User: nsh
Date: 11/4/2008 1:26 pm
Views: 142
Rating: 7

You can use another number, but remember that it must be smaller than number of filters/2 (usually 20) and bigger than 5. Many researches state that there is no much difference.

--- (Edited on 11/4/2008 1:26 pm [GMT-0600] by nsh) ---

Re: Sphinx idea
User: chn
Date: 11/6/2008 10:09 pm
Views: 1884
Rating: 5

Thank you!

I will do it!

--- (Edited on 11/6/2008 10:09 pm [GMT-0600] by chn) ---
