Speech Recognition Engines

Is it possible to have the probability of a model compared to all the other models withe the tool "Hvite" ?
User: Visitor
Date: 11/8/2008 1:37 pm
Views: 4035
Rating: 7

Is it possible to have the probability of a model compared to all the other models withe the tool "Hvite"

For example

 for a given signal:  if we recognized that it is the numeber “one” this wants to say that the probability of being "one" is the highest compared to all the other model

I want to have the probability for each model

Probability that  the signaal  is two
Probability that  the signal  is three
Ect ......

I am need this information for used them  in another program

pleeeez help me

--- (Edited on 11/8/2008 1:37 pm [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is it possible to have the probability of a model compared to all the other models withe the tool "Hvite" ?
User: nsh
Date: 11/8/2008 1:52 pm
Views: 85
Rating: 7

HVite -n <variants> -q tvaldmn -z lat

will dump you lattice with the variants and their probabilities

--- (Edited on 11/8/2008 1:52 pm [GMT-0600] by nsh) ---

Re: Is it possible to have the probability of a model compared to all the other models withe the tool "Hvite" ?
User: imene
Date: 11/8/2008 2:40 pm
Views: 1687
Rating: 7


i don't very understand

you can explain me what you mean by "variants"

i tray whith

 -n 5 -q tvaldmn -z lat

and i tray with "-n "anothers numbres ..but i have noting change in my file of recognition


please help me

--- (Edited on 11/8/2008 2:40 pm [GMT-0600] by imene) ---
