Speech Recognition Engines

Ignore words in speech
User: sagar
Date: 9/16/2009 5:33 am
Views: 4874
Rating: 6

Hello, I have installed julius 4.1.2 and trained it with required words. Julius is working properly if trained words are given in input. But it is given false result, when different words are given in input. For e.g. I have trained julius with ONE, TWO, THREE. Julius is working fine if I gave any of these words in any sequence. But when I gave FOUR , which is not present in training database, still it detects them as ONE . How can I ignore other words in speech? As per manual "GMM will be used for input rejection". How can I generate required "-gmm hmmdefs_file" file for it. Is there any otherway to ignore input speech?

--- (Edited on 9/16/2009 5:33 am [GMT-0500] by sagar) ---

Re: Ignore words in speech
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/21/2009 2:40 pm
Views: 1973
Rating: 6

Hi sagar,

>How can I generate required "-gmm hmmdefs_file" file for it

best to ask on the Julius forum... likely an HTK tool that creates this.

>Is there any otherway to ignore input speech?

see my second post in this thread: Re: One word grammar, always recognized?


--- (Edited on 9/21/2009 3:40 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
