Speech Recognition Engines

HTK/Julius with language model quickstart.
User: degra
Date: 9/14/2009 5:02 am
Views: 9637
Rating: 5


I know that there is a tutorial on voxforge for the htk/julius/julian quickstart and it is using a gramma model.

I'm looking for a htk/julius/julian quickstart tutorial to use a language model, is there a ready one out there for me to reference to?

TQ very much!


--- (Edited on 9/14/2009 5:02 am [GMT-0500] by degra) ---

Re: HTK/Julius with language model quickstart.
User: kmaclean
Date: 9/14/2009 3:01 pm
Views: 217
Rating: 4

Hi degra,

>I'm looking for a htk/julius/julian quickstart tutorial to use a language


No, not yet.

You might want to check the HTK Book... I believe there is an LM tutorial there, or Keith Vertanen's CSR LM-1 Language Model Training Recip.


--- (Edited on 9/14/2009 4:01 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: HTK/Julius with language model quickstart.
User: azakai
Date: 1/26/2010 3:00 am
Views: 208
Rating: 5


I used "CSR LM-1 Language Model Training Recip", but not run.

Error: voca_load_htkdict: z-p+er

Error: voca_load_htkdict: z-r+ey

Error: voca_load_htkdict: z-r+iy

Error: voca_load_htkdict: z-sil+* or biphone z-sil

Error: voca_load_htkdict: z-sp+* or biphone z-sp

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-ah+l

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-ah+n

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-ah+sil

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-ah+sp

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-ah+w

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-er+er

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-er+sil

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-er+sp

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-er+z

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-iy+m

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-sil+* or biphone zh-sil

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-sp+* or biphone zh-sp

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-uw+ah

Error: voca_load_htkdict: zh-w+ah

Error: voca_load_htkdict: end missing phones

Error: init_voca: error in reading julius_run/jconf/../lang_m/lm_csr_5k_nvp_3gram/lm_csr_5k_nvp.hvite.dic: 11821 words failed out of 2 words

ERROR: m_fusion: failed to read dictionary, terminated

ERROR: m_fusion: failed to initialize dictionary

ERROR: Error in loading model

I can run "mkbingram" converted arpa to bingram format. I think it dict file format error. do you know, how to convert HTK dic to julius dict format?



--- (Edited on 1/26/2010 3:00 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: HTK/Julius with language model quickstart.
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/26/2010 9:20 pm
Views: 785
Rating: 6

see this post:How to convert HTK's dictionary to Julius ?

The HTK HDMan command can also do the same thing as the Bash script in the above post.

--- (Edited on 1/26/2010 10:20 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re: HTK/Julius with language model quickstart.
User: ezgi
Date: 5/10/2014 3:48 pm
Views: 1594
Rating: 1

hi ı cannot run HDMan command. 

I wrote this command : HDMan -m -w wlist -n monophones1 -l dlog dict beep

but there is an error.

errors are :

ReadDictProns : word Double-Quote out of order in dict beep

fatal error:terminating program HDMan

can you help me please?Frown

--- (Edited on 5/10/2014 3:48 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
