General Discussion

User: pomprocker
Date: 2/2/2010 9:06 pm
Views: 5136
Rating: 1

In the Julius manual, they always refer to grammer like its some sort of object. What does this mean?


Are they referring to the files in the grammer directory on the QuickStart?

How do you create your own dict/dfa files? The sample.* files are too limiting. Is there a public dict file?


help a new guy!

--- (Edited on 2/2/2010 9:06 pm [GMT-0600] by pomprocker) ---

Re: Grammer?
User: colbec
Date: 2/3/2010 4:59 am
Views: 57
Rating: 2

You are at the right place for help with your researches into voice and computers. However you need to get up to speed with a basic understanding of some of the fundamentals. This site has an excellent howto and tutorial section (just search various parts of the site to find them) and create yourself some basic models even if speaker dependent. This will give you some positive reinforcement regarding concepts like the grammar.

Posing questions based on "I tried this, but it did not work" are easier to handle than "I don't know anything, show me." That has already been done in the relevant sections of this site. Good luck with your project.

--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 4:59 am [GMT-0600] by colbec) ---

Re: Grammer?
User: pomprocker
Date: 2/3/2010 5:47 pm
Views: 70
Rating: 2

The impressions I get from the answers I've gotten in this forum is horrible It seems like nobody wants to help.


Not everybody is a know it all especially after reading and trying. Please help spread voxforge by helping its newcomers. There is a lot to learn in this subject, and most people will just run away.

--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 5:47 pm [GMT-0600] by pomprocker) ---

Re: Grammer?
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/3/2010 8:25 pm
Views: 2179
Rating: 2

>In the Julius manual, they always refer to grammer like its some sort of

>object. What does this mean?

Step 1 - Task Grammar

>How do you create your own dict/dfa files? The sample.* files are too limiting.

Step 1 - Task Grammar


--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 9:25 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
