General Discussion

diff julius julian
User: pomprocker
Date: 2/2/2010 8:55 pm
Views: 5473
Rating: 2

I guess I don't really understand the difference between julius and julian. I've read the technical stuff, but can somebody simplify the explanation?

--- (Edited on 2/2/2010 8:55 pm [GMT-0600] by pomprocker) ---

Also, I did an --enable-julian when I compiled, but I still dont see any julian binary.


I had to compile myself because I am cross-compiling for a PPC based NAS.

--- (Edited on 2/2/2010 9:11 pm [GMT-0600] by pomprocker) ---

Re: diff julius julian
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/3/2010 1:48 pm
Views: 60
Rating: 2

>I guess I don't really understand the difference between julius and julian.

Julius is for dictation using a statistical language model.

Julian is for grammar based language model.

>Also, I did an --enable-julian when I compiled, but I still dont see any julian binary.

Julian was merged with Julius in version 4.0

--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 2:48 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

Re: diff julius julian
User: pomprocker
Date: 2/3/2010 5:45 pm
Views: 46
Rating: 3

so if they are compiled together into one binary, is there a switch I can use to use one or the other when executing the binary?


Julius is for dictation using a statistical language model.

Julian is for grammar based language model.


I've read these definitions for the two, but I was kindly asking for a gentle explanation. That means nothing to me.

--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 5:45 pm [GMT-0600] by pomprocker) ---

Re: diff julius julian
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/3/2010 7:21 pm
Views: 2126
Rating: 2

>so if they are compiled together into one binary, is there a switch I can use

>to use one or the other when executing the binary?

You just specify the grammar file in the jconf file, and call from Julius as shown in the VoxForge tutorial.  Note, the VoxForge tutorial is for version 3.5.2 (where Julius and Julian were split up), but the config files are very similar in Julius 4.x.

>I've read these definitions for the two, but I was kindly asking for a gentle

>explanation. That means nothing to me.

Step 1 of the VoxForge tutorial has another explanation...


--- (Edited on 2/3/2010 8:21 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---
