Audio and Prompts Discussions

The word "The"
User: gothrog
Date: 7/14/2011 2:27 pm
Views: 6766
Rating: 17


I have been having some issues with having the word "The" recognized by Julius.  If I check the original file used to record (which is The stated 5 time) it recognizes all the "The"s.  When I use it in a different sentence; like "Set the night mode" it is recognized as "Set nine mode" or "Second nine month". 

I'm wondering if it is because of my NJ accent, from what I understand I say the word "The" differently then what would be recognized.

For a NJ accent what lexicons should I use to address the phonetic spelling of "the"?

I'm also wondering if "the" is filtered out because it sounds too much like an utterance "uh".  Is this possible and if so what would I do to check if this is the case?



--- (Edited on 7/14/2011 2:27 pm [GMT-0500] by gothrog) ---

Re: The word "The"
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/18/2011 8:06 pm
Views: 3079
Rating: 15

>I'm wondering if it is because of my NJ accent,

Did you create your own acoustic model?  If you are using the VoxForge acoustic model, you may need to adapt it to your voice.

--- (Edited on 7/18/2011 9:06 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
