Audio and Prompts Discussions

GSOC 2011- Simon project to help collect speech for VoxForge accepted!
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/25/2011 9:47 pm
Views: 3457
Rating: 12

Great news: Ahel's project Google Summer of Code proposal got accepted!

From the GSOC site:

Integration of Voxforge acoustic model recognition on simon and fully translating simon in Italian.

Main aim for this proposal is a working project that collects audio acoustic model and then it send to Voxforge server, through re-utilizing simon code (in particoular ssc/sscd). Voxforge open source whose aim is to collect transcribed speech for use in Open Source Speech Recognition Engines. Simon open-source speech recognition program that can utilize the models created from the voxforge data.

More info in this thread: GSOC 2011 - student showing interest in a Simon project to help collect speech for VoxForge

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