Acoustic Model Discussions

Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/4/2013 9:52 am
Views: 7377
Rating: 7

I've read that every script now is in the script/sphinxtrain script. The problem is that I have an invalid syntax error (line 23).

My python interpreter version is : "Python 3.3.2"

Have you ever seen this issue ?


I'm trying to follow these tutorials :



Should I ?

--- (Edited on 11/4/2013 9:52 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/6/2013 2:57 am
Views: 146
Rating: 6

I ended up installing cygwin, now the script works well.

The problem is I have many warnings at Module 00, phase 3 :

 ../SphinxTrain/scripts/sphinxtrain run
Sphinxtrain path: /cygdrive/c/Sphinx/SphinxTrain
Sphinxtrain binaries path: /cygdrive/c/Sphinx/SphinxTrain/bin/Release
Running the training
MODULE: 000 Computing feature from audio files
Extracting features from  segments starting at  (part 1 of 1)
Extracting features from  segments starting at  (part 1 of 1)
Feature extraction is done
MODULE: 00 verify training files
    Phase 1: Checking to see if the dict and filler dict agrees with the phonelist file.
        Found 896 words using 894 phones
    Phase 2: Checking to make sure there are not duplicate entries in the dictionary
    Phase 3: Check general format for the fileids file; utterance length (must be positive); files exist
WARNING: Error in '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/etc/entretien_train.fileids', the feature file '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/feat/RDV.Q1.Rep_1.mfc' does not exist, or is empty
WARNING: Error in '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/etc/entretien_train.fileids', the feature file '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/feat/RDV.Q1b.Rep_1.mfc' does not exist, or is empty
WARNING: Error in '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/etc/entretien_train.fileids', the feature file '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/feat/RDV.Q1b.Rep_2.mfc' does not exist, or is empty
WARNING: Error in '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/etc/entretien_train.fileids', the feature file '/cygdrive/c/Sphinx/entretien/feat/RDV.Q1b.Rep_3.mfc' does not exist, or is empty


--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 2:57 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/6/2013 3:07 am
Views: 139
Rating: 6

Edit :

Obviously, the train failed at Module 50

MODULE: 50 Training Context dependent models
Phase 1: Cleaning up directories:
Phase 2: Copy CI to CD initialize
Phase 3: Forward-Backward
Baum welch starting for 1 Gaussian(s), iteration: 1 (1 of 1)
Only 0 parts of 1 of Baum Welch were successfully completed
Parts 1 failed to run!
Training failed in iteration 1

The problem is that the links of the logs given at the .html file are broken :
....../logdir/000.comp_feat/entretien.test-1-1.log doesn't exist..

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 3:07 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Sylafrs
Date: 11/6/2013 4:59 am
Views: 115
Rating: 7

I converted my wav files to "Wave - PCM signed 16 bit, mono - Rate 8000" (phone)

But, my folder "feat" remains empty after

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 4:59 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Visitor
Date: 11/6/2013 5:02 am
Views: 121
Rating: 8

I think i'm gonna create a new topic ^^'

(can't find the edit button)

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 5:02 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: Is the version 1.0.8 of SphinxTrain currently working
User: Visitor
Date: 11/6/2013 5:30 am
Views: 2612
Rating: 5

--- (Edited on 11/6/2013 5:30 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---
