Acoustic Model Discussions

Change the set of words/grammar
User: chaitanyawaichal
Date: 9/25/2013 6:45 am
Views: 5905
Rating: 6


I am a newbie and i have been successful in creating a Grammer and an Accoustic model for a set of words and have also been able to detect them using Julias-lib api.

The question is , is it possible to make the system recognise one set of words for some time and recognise other set of words for some time depending on a certain condition.

How can this be done?

--- (Edited on 9/25/2013 6:45 am [GMT-0500] by chaitanyawaichal) ---

Re: Change the set of words/grammar
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/2/2013 8:19 am
Views: 176
Rating: 6

> make the system recognise one set of words for some time and recognise

>other set of words for some time depending on a certain condition.

Yes, just change your grammar

from this post: Re: dynamic grammer in julius (lee.akinobu)

Julius can change recognition grammar while running.
It is implemented in a server-client mode called "module mode".

There is a Japanese document to explain the function, and I'm now translating it to English.
Anyway, I guess you can see how it works by trying the procedures below:

1) Launch Julius in module mode, specifying at least one grammar.
     julius -C .... -module

2) Launch jcontrol in another window and connect to the running Julius.
"localhost" should point to the host where 1) is running.
    jcontrol localhost

3) When julius recognize input, it will be sent to jcontrol and output to stdout.

4) At jcontrol, type command "pause" and hit enter. Then Julius will stop recognition.
a command "resume" will re-start the recognition.

5) Prepare a grammar like "foo.dfa" and "foo.dict" on jcontrol side, and try a command
    changegram foo

The grammar "foo" will be sent to Julius via network socket and the current grammar  will be switched to the new one.

6) Multiple grammar recognition is allowed. Use "addgram foo" to add a new grammar, "deletegram foo" to delete it. Also you can temporary deactivate / re-activate an existing grammar by "deactivategram foo" and "activategram foo".

--- (Edited on 10/2/2013 9:19 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: Change the set of words/grammar
User: chaitanyawaichal
Date: 10/4/2013 1:49 am
Views: 179
Rating: 7

Hello Kmaclean!

Thank you for this information.But I am using the julius library and not the julius program directly.Is it possible to do wat you ve suggested using the API?!


--- (Edited on 10/4/2013 1:49 am [GMT-0500] by chaitanyawaichal) ---

Re: Change the set of words/grammar
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/4/2013 8:12 am
Views: 2474
Rating: 7

>Is it possible to do wat you ve suggested using the API?!

best to ask this on the Julius forum

--- (Edited on 10/4/2013 9:12 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
