
proto file
User: ibr
Date: 8/7/2015 6:48 am
Views: 2924
Rating: 1

if i have a different set of words than the ones in this example would the same included proto file works fine? if not what a good source to explain the meaning of vectors that composes the proto file, the PDF about HTK toolkit doesn't seems to give a proper explaination


Re: proto file
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/7/2015 12:20 pm
Views: 118
Rating: 2

>if i have a different set of words than the ones in this example would the same included proto file works fine?

the proto just a template.  You should have at least the same phone coverage as the list of words in the tutorial - since these cover the possible phones in the final VoxForge dictionary.

Re: proto file
User: ibr
Date: 8/9/2015 3:06 am
Views: 59
Rating: 0

thanks alot kmaclean
