
How to write proto file?
User: visitor1
Date: 11/25/2015 7:14 am
Views: 3080
Rating: 0


i am following voxforge steps for creating acoustic model.
i have different words .

i have build my small dictionary and now i am in step 6

(Step 6 - Creating Flat Start Monophones

Define Prototype Model).

am i use same proto file (step 6)?

or i need other proto?

what is proto and how it write?

can you please explain me.

i have read htk book but still i am confuse.

thank you

Re: How to write proto file?
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/25/2015 8:50 am
Views: 31
Rating: 0

>am i use same proto file (step 6)?

yes, you can use the same proto file even if you change the words.

The 'proto' file is a 'prototype' file for how your hmms are to be stored.
