
Error using HERest
User: Gerald
Date: 5/10/2011 7:15 am
Views: 5542
Rating: 13


I get the following error(s) using this command;

$HERest -A -D -T 1 -C config -I phones0.mlf -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -S train.scp -H hmm0/macros -H hmm0/hmmdefs -M hmm1 monophones0

ERROR [+5010] InitSource: Cannot open source file sp
ERROR [+7010] LoadHMMSet: Can't find file
ERROR [+2321] Initialise: LoadHMMSet failed 

FATAL ERROR - Terminating program


I don't know how to tackle these errors, can somebody help me with this?


Re: Error using HERest
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/10/2011 8:08 am
Views: 120
Rating: 10

>ERROR [+5010] InitSource: Cannot open source file sp

your phones0.mlf file should not contain any sp phonemes - see Step 4 - Creating the Transcription Files

Re: Error using HERest
User: Gerald
Date: 5/10/2011 8:24 am
Views: 157
Rating: 11

Thank you for your quick reply!

I don't think that is the problem. I have checked my phones0.mlf file and as far as i can tell it does not contain any sp phonemes.

I have copied the phones0.mlf file from step 4, and used it but the same error still pops up.

Re: Error using HERest
User: Visitor
Date: 4/10/2012 6:53 am
Views: 241
Rating: 10

write macro.txt instead of macro,and hmmdefs.txt

Re: Error using HERest
User: ibr
Date: 8/9/2015 8:22 am
Views: 40
Rating: 0

try to open the monophones0 file and delete the "sp" if you have any,

worked for me

Re: Error using HERest
User: ibr
Date: 8/9/2015 1:37 pm
Views: 56
Rating: 0

actually the monophones file from step 2 called monophones1 which has sp, monophones used in this step called monophones0 and doesnt have sp, so pay attention for which monophones you aer using
