
Discrete model
User: Siwar
Date: 11/11/2011 5:43 pm
Views: 4332
Rating: 9


I would like to create a discrete acoustique model, can you help me please. I create VQ table successfully using the tool HQuant but after I can't run HInit, always I get:

Initialising  HMM proto . . . 

 States   :   2  3  4 (width)

 Mixes  s1:  10 10 10 (  1  )

 Num Using:   0  0  0

 Parm Kind:  DISCRETE

 Number of owners = 1

 SegLab   :  NONE

 maxIter  :  20

 epsilon  :  0.000100

 minSeg   :  3

 Updating :  MixWeights/DProbs TransProbs


 - system is DISCRETE

 ERROR [+2150]  CheckData: Parameterisation in ../train/mfcc/sample3.mfc[MFCC_D_A_0] is incompatible with hmm proto[DISCRETE]

FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HInit.exe

Re: Discrete model
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/16/2011 1:52 pm
Views: 132
Rating: 9

>discrete acoustique model,

best to ask on the HTK  mailing list.

Re: Discrete model
User: sruti
Date: 10/31/2014 8:23 am
Views: 46
Rating: 4

Hi, I am having the same problem as yours. 

Did you solve it? What should I do to create hmm models for MFCC_0_A_D_V  ? 

Thanks in advance

