
Segmentation Script
User: Sergey
Date: 4/18/2008 7:09 am
Views: 3415
Rating: 29

I am trying to perform "Step 7 - Run the Segmentation Script" of the "Automated Audio Segmentation Using Forced Alignment"
but when I try to download the script I get a page saying:
"Permission Denied! You do not have sufficient privileges to access this page." Please help.
Thanks a lot,

P.S. I did login first, of course. 

Re: Segmentation Script
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/18/2008 11:31 am
Views: 242
Rating: 34

Hi Sergey,

Sorry, I must have updated a while ago and did not make it accessible to evreyone.  It should be fixed now.


Re: Segmentation Script
User: Sergey
Date: 4/18/2008 11:55 am
Views: 231
Rating: 30
Yes, it works now! Thanks!