
Automated Audio Segmentation accuracy
User: Sergey
Date: 4/18/2008 12:20 pm
Views: 3040
Rating: 27
Hi Ken,
I posted the following message yesterday, but some how I did it in a wrong plase (,
and I couldn't find out how to move it here. So I'm just posting it again (but, hopefully, to the right plase now ;)
On 32bit version of Ubuntu HTK compiled without a problem.
Then I followed the tutorial "Automated Audio Segmentation Using Forced Alignment" without a hitch up to step 6.
In Audacity I see a considerable misalignement between audio and labels.
For example in the phrase "Chapter Four, Part One" the audio corresponding to label "part" contains sounds "part one",
and the audio corresponding to label "one" contains only silence.
Is it a normal misalignement or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks a lot,
Re: Automated Audio Segmentation accuracy
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/18/2008 12:43 pm
Views: 214
Rating: 31

Hi Sergey,

Answered your question here.

