1. Open a Linux terminal, create voxforge directory in your home directory
$mkdir voxforge
$cd voxforge
$mkdir bin
this creates the following folder path:
The Hidden Markov Model Toolkit (HTK) is a portable toolkit for building and manipulating hidden Markov models. HTK is primarily used for speech recognition.
HTK's licence requires you to register before you can download the toolkit. The source of the software is available but there are limitations on the distribution of the HTK Toolkit itself. However, there is no limitation on the distribution of the acoustic models models you create with the toolkit.
Create a new directory in your voxforge directory called 'bin', it
should have the following path (replace 'username' with the user name
you are using on your system):
get most current version of HTK source code and htkbook (currently HTK v3.5)
and save them to your new bin directory.
Extract the files using:
this should create the following directory in your bin folder:
from the HTK README instructions:
Each of the following directories has its own makefile: HTKLib, HLMLib, HTKTools, HLMTools
run make in each of the above directories in order:
$ make -f MakefileCPU all
next run make install in each directory in order:
$ make -f MakefileCPU install
the HTK tools will be installed in bin.cpu
See testing in the 'Update Your User Path' section.
Julius is a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) engine. Julius can be used for command and control and dictation applications.
Julius has no limitations on distribution. It uses Acoustic Models in HTK format, and Grammar files in its own format.
click the following link:
and save it to your '/home/yourusename/voxforge/bin' directory.
(to compile Julius from source)
If you get the following error when you run julius:
### read waveform input Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default) Error: adin_oss: failed to open /dev/dsp failed to begin input stream |
use the VoxForge version of Julius compiled with alsa.
Extract the file using:
this should create a julius-4.3.1 directory in your bin folder.
See testing in the 'Update Your User Path' section.
To update your user path (which tells your command line where to search for executable files) you need to add the following directories your user path variable:
To do this, edit your '.bash_profile' file in your home directory (in Fedora you need to show 'hidden files' in Nautilus - so you can display file names with a period in front of them). You do this by adding the listed paths, separated by a colon (":") to the end of the PATH variable as follows (all one line, no spaces):
$ gedit ~/ .bash_profile
# User specific environment and startup programs |
Log out and log back in to make your path change effective (use echo $PATH to confirm that your updates worked correctly).
if your system lists all the options available to the hvite command, then HTK is installed properly.
if your system displays version information for Julius, then Julius is installed properly;
(using the "$echo $PATH" command can help find errors)
Julia is a scripting language for technical computing.
The VoxForge acoustic model creation toolkit is written in Julia.
#yum install julia |
if your system displays version information for Julia , then it is installed properly;
Audacity is a free, easy-to-use, multi-track audio editor and recorder.
Use the following command to download and install Audacity (as superuser):
#yum install audacity |