
Stucks at step 7- fixing silencemodels at making hmm4
User: thaparallawadinishant
Date: 1/10/2012 5:21 am
Views: 3310
Rating: 7

hello all

I ran the file after completeing all the steps prior to it.. and it is getting stucked at step 7.. here is the output

PLZ Help me out... THANKSS in Advance.. :)

$ ./


        Step 1 - Task Grammar
already completed manually

        Step 2 - Pronunciation Dictionnary
sorting:./interim_files/wlist to:./interim_files/wlist1
Found voxforge_lexicon
***Please review the following HDMan output***:

WARNING: no script file ./input_files/voxforge_lexicon.ded

Dictionary Usage Statistics
  Dictionary    TotalWords WordsUsed  TotalProns PronsUsed
voxforge_lex     27380        114      27431        114
        dict       114        114        114        114

114 words required, 0 missing

New Phone Usage Counts
  1. ae    :    18
  2. b     :    32
  3. ax    :    44
  4. l     :    42
  5. aa    :     9
  6. n     :    39
  7. sp    :   112
  8. d     :    26
  9. m     :    13
 10. ih    :    33
 11. z     :     7
 12. sh    :     7
 13. aw    :     4
 14. ng    :     7
 15. t     :    32
 16. k     :    32
 17. ch    :     5
 18. iy    :    14
 19. v     :     8
 20. uw    :     8
 21. y     :     8
 22. p     :    11
 23. ah    :     8
 24. er    :     9
 25. eh    :    23
 26. r     :    25
 27. ow    :    11
 28. f     :     5
 29. g     :     8
 30. s     :    15
 31. th    :     7
 32. hh    :    10
 33. ey    :    20
 34. dh    :     4
 35. ao    :     4
 36. ay    :    12
 37. zh    :     6
 38. el    :     6
 39. jh    :     4
 40. en    :     4
 41. uh    :     5
 42. oy    :     4
 43. w     :     3
 44. sil   :     2

Dictionary ./interim_files/dict created

        Step 3 - Recording the Data
already completed manually

        Step 4 - Creating Transcription Files
writing to mlf file ./interim_files/words.mlf
Use of uninitialized value $fname in substitution (s///) at ../../HTK_scripts/pr   ompts2mlf line 34, <LAB> line 32.
Use of uninitialized value $fname in substitution (s///) at ../../HTK_scripts/pr   ompts2mlf line 35, <LAB> line 32.
Use of uninitialized value $fname in concatenation (.) or string at ../../HTK_sc   ripts/prompts2mlf line 36, <LAB> line 32.
writing to ./interim_files/words.mlf file done

        Step 5 - Coding the (Audio) Data

        Step 6 - Creating Monophones
making hmm0

making hmm1

making hmm2

making hmm3

        Step 7 - Fixing the Silence Model
making hmm4

Re: Stucks at step 7- fixing silencemodels at making hmm4
User: Shada
Date: 4/24/2012 6:03 am
Views: 181
Rating: 7

Its not stuck it just takes a long time ^^

Re: Stucks at step 7- fixing silencemodels at making hmm4
User: Sanjeet
Date: 1/22/2013 3:45 am
Views: 172
Rating: 6

Can somebody tell me how much time this will take to complete step-7 ?
