
making hmm13: ERROR [+2662] AssignStructure: cannot find tree for b state 2
User: Mark
Date: 10/8/2012 7:07 pm
Views: 3593
Rating: 7

I need help for this problem...


$ ./


        Step 1 - Task Grammar
already completed manually

        Step 2 - Pronunciation Dictionnary
sorting:./interim_files/wlist to:./interim_files/wlist1
Found voxforge_lexicon
***Please review the following HDMan output***:

WARNING: no script file ./input_files/voxforge_lexicon.ded

Dictionary Usage Statistics
  Dictionary    TotalWords WordsUsed  TotalProns PronsUsed
voxforge_lex     27212        102      27262        102
        dict       102        102        102        102

102 words required, 0 missing

New Phone Usage Counts
  1. ae    :    16
  2. b     :    33
  3. ax    :    44
  4. l     :    39
  5. aa    :    10
  6. n     :    31
  7. sp    :   100
  8. d     :    26
  9. m     :    10
 10. ih    :    32
 11. z     :     6
 12. sh    :     7
 13. aw    :     5
 14. ng    :     6
 15. t     :    32
 16. k     :    29
 17. ch    :     5
 18. iy    :    11
 19. v     :     5
 20. uw    :     7
 21. y     :     7
 22. p     :    10
 23. ah    :     7
 24. er    :     8
 25. eh    :    21
 26. r     :    23
 27. ow    :    11
 28. f     :     4
 29. g     :     9
 30. s     :    12
 31. th    :     6
 32. hh    :    10
 33. dh    :     4
 34. ao    :     4
 35. ay    :    10
 36. zh    :     4
 37. ey    :    13
 38. el    :     6
 39. jh    :     4
 40. en    :     4
 41. uh    :     5
 42. oy    :     4
 43. w     :     2
 44. sil   :     2

Dictionary ./interim_files/dict created

        Step 3 - Recording the Data
already completed manually

        Step 4 - Creating Transcription Files
writing to mlf file ./interim_files/words.mlf
writing to ./interim_files/words.mlf file done

        Step 5 - Coding the (Audio) Data

        Step 6 - Creating Monophones
making hmm0

making hmm1

making hmm2

making hmm3

        Step 7 - Fixing the Silence Model
making hmm4

making hmm5

making hmm6

making hmm7

        Step 8 - Realigning the Training Data
realign hmm7

***Please review the following HVite output***:

C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HVite.exe -A -D -T 1 -l * -o SWT -b silence -C ./input_files/config -H ./interim_files/hmm7/macros -H ./interim_files/hmm7/hmmdefs -i ./interim_files/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -y lab -a -I ./interim_files/words.mlf -S ./interim_files/train.scp ./interim_files/dict1 ./interim_files/monophones1

HTK Configuration Parameters[10]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
#                 NUMCEPS                       12
#                 CEPLIFTER                     22
#                 NUMCHANS                      26
#                 PREEMCOEF               0.970000
#                 USEHAMMING                  TRUE
#                 WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
#                 SAVEWITHCRC                 TRUE
#                 SAVECOMPRESSED              TRUE
#                 TARGETRATE         100000.000000
#                 TARGETKIND          MFCC_0_D_N_Z

Read 44 physical / 44 logical HMMs
Label file will be used to align each file
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample1.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE silence  ==  [1538 frames] -51.0162 [Ac=-78462.9 LM=0.0] (Act=10.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample2.mfc
Created lattice with 12 nodes / 11 arcs from label file
silence GRIP WRIST SHOULDER ELBOW LEFT RIGHT OPEN CLOSE UP DOWN silence  ==  [1084 frames] -55.8296 [Ac=-60519.3 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample3.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence LEFT WRIST RIGHT WRIST LEFT WRIST RIGHT WRIST silence  ==  [894 frames] -56.9095 [Ac=-50877.1 LM=0.0] (Act=9.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample4.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence UP UP DOWN DOWN OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE silence  ==  [1005 frames] -58.3806 [Ac=-58672.5 LM=0.0] (Act=15.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample5.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence SHOULDER SHOULDER ELBOW ELBOW GRIP GRIP silence  ==  [794 frames] -54.8690 [Ac=-43566.0 LM=0.0] (Act=10.8)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample6.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence ELBOW UP ELBOW DOWN SHOULDER UP SHOULDER DOWN silence  ==  [851 frames] -54.3564 [Ac=-46257.3 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample7.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence GRIP OPEN GRIP CLOSE GRIP OPEN GRIP CLOSE silence  ==  [862 frames] -54.5770 [Ac=-47045.4 LM=0.0] (Act=9.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample8.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT silence  ==  [926 frames] -52.0902 [Ac=-48235.5 LM=0.0] (Act=10.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample9.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence LIGHT RIGHT LIGHT RIGHT LIGHT RIGHT silence  ==  [909 frames] -51.6320 [Ac=-46933.5 LM=0.0] (Act=14.0)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample10.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF silence  ==  [1011 frames] -50.6389 [Ac=-51196.0 LM=0.0] (Act=9.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample11.mfc
Created lattice with 7 nodes / 6 arcs from label file
silence BOOKENDS KENNEL KENNETH KENYA WEEKEND silence  ==  [749 frames] -54.3252 [Ac=-40689.6 LM=0.0] (Act=9.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample12.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence BELT BELOW BEND AEROBIC DASHBOARD DATABASE silence  ==  [830 frames] -54.9707 [Ac=-45625.7 LM=0.0] (Act=9.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample13.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence GATEWAY GATORADE GAZEBO AFGHAN AGAINST AGATHA silence  ==  [824 frames] -55.5061 [Ac=-45737.0 LM=0.0] (Act=9.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample14.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ABALON ABDOMINALS BODY ABOLISH silence  ==  [670 frames] -52.2072 [Ac=-34978.8 LM=0.0] (Act=6.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample15.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ABOUNDING ABOUT ACCOUNT ALLENTOWN silence  ==  [757 frames] -52.1501 [Ac=-39477.6 LM=0.0] (Act=10.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample16.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ACHIEVE ACTUAL ACUPUNCTURE ADVENTURE silence  ==  [685 frames] -54.1143 [Ac=-37068.3 LM=0.0] (Act=8.0)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample17.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ALGORITHM ALTHOUGH ALTOGETHER ANOTHER silence  ==  [610 frames] -53.2925 [Ac=-32508.4 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample18.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BATTLE BEATLE LITTLE METAL silence  ==  [595 frames] -50.0918 [Ac=-29804.6 LM=0.0] (Act=8.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample19.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BITTEN BLATANT BRIGHTEN BRITAIN silence  ==  [542 frames] -51.3546 [Ac=-27834.2 LM=0.0] (Act=8.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample20.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BROOKHAVEN HOOD BROUHAHA BULLHEADS silence  ==  [652 frames] -53.4715 [Ac=-34863.4 LM=0.0] (Act=7.8)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample21.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BUSBOYS CHOICE COILS COIN silence  ==  [553 frames] -53.1733 [Ac=-29404.8 LM=0.0] (Act=6.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample22.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence COLLECTION COLORATION COMBINATION COMMERCIAL silence  ==  [587 frames] -54.3514 [Ac=-31904.3 LM=0.0] (Act=6.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample23.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence MIDDLE NEEDLE POODLE SADDLE silence  ==  [593 frames] -52.7276 [Ac=-31267.5 LM=0.0] (Act=8.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample24.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence ALRIGHT ARTHRITIS BRIGHT COPYRIGHT CRITERIA RIGHT silence  ==  [753 frames] -56.1655 [Ac=-42292.6 LM=0.0] (Act=8.1)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample25.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence COUPLE CRADLE CRUMBLE silence  ==  [427 frames] -53.4377 [Ac=-22817.9 LM=0.0] (Act=8.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample26.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CUBA CUBE CUMULATIVE silence  ==  [499 frames] -53.2716 [Ac=-26582.5 LM=0.0] (Act=11.1)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample27.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CURING CURLING CYCLING silence  ==  [489 frames] -51.9720 [Ac=-25414.3 LM=0.0] (Act=7.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample28.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CYNTHIA DANFORTH DEPTH silence  ==  [495 frames] -53.8249 [Ac=-26643.3 LM=0.0] (Act=6.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample29.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence DIGEST DIGITAL DILIGENT silence  ==  [536 frames] -52.9766 [Ac=-28395.4 LM=0.0] (Act=6.7)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample30.mfc
Created lattice with 7 nodes / 6 arcs from label file
silence AMNESIA ASIA AVERSION BEIGE BEIJING silence  ==  [740 frames] -54.0696 [Ac=-40011.5 LM=0.0] (Act=6.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample31.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence HELP HELLO HELMET HELPLESS AHEAD HELP silence  ==  [841 frames] -53.4321 [Ac=-44936.4 LM=0.0] (Act=11.2)

HTK Configuration Parameters[10]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
                  NUMCEPS                       12
                  CEPLIFTER                     22
                  NUMCHANS                      26
                  PREEMCOEF               0.970000
                  USEHAMMING                  TRUE
                  WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
                  SAVEWITHCRC                 TRUE
                  SAVECOMPRESSED              TRUE
                  TARGETRATE         100000.000000
                  TARGETKIND          MFCC_0_D_N_Z

making hmm8

making hmm9

        Step 9 - Making Triphones from Monophones
making triphones

making hmm10

making hmm11

making hmm12

        Step 10 - Making Tied-State Triphones
making hmm13

  ERROR [+2662]  AssignStructure: cannot find tree for b state 2
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe
making hmm14

  ERROR [+5010]  InitSource: Cannot open source file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+7010]  InitHMMSet: Can't open list file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+2321]  Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HERest.exe
making hmm15

  ERROR [+5010]  InitSource: Cannot open source file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+7010]  InitHMMSet: Can't open list file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+2321]  Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HERest.exe
cp: cannot stat `./interim_files/hmm15/hmmdefs': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./interim_files/tiedlist': No such file or directory

Re: making hmm13: ERROR [+2662] AssignStructure: cannot find tree for b state 2
User: srivani
Date: 7/27/2013 12:52 pm
Views: 57
Rating: 1

I need help for this problem...


$ ./


        Step 1 - Task Grammar
already completed manually

        Step 2 - Pronunciation Dictionnary
sorting:./interim_files/wlist to:./interim_files/wlist1
Found voxforge_lexicon
***Please review the following HDMan output***:

WARNING: no script file ./input_files/voxforge_lexicon.ded

Dictionary Usage Statistics
  Dictionary    TotalWords WordsUsed  TotalProns PronsUsed
voxforge_lex     27212        102      27262        102
        dict       102        102        102        102

102 words required, 0 missing

New Phone Usage Counts
  1. ae    :    16
  2. b     :    33
  3. ax    :    44
  4. l     :    39
  5. aa    :    10
  6. n     :    31
  7. sp    :   100
  8. d     :    26
  9. m     :    10
 10. ih    :    32
 11. z     :     6
 12. sh    :     7
 13. aw    :     5
 14. ng    :     6
 15. t     :    32
 16. k     :    29
 17. ch    :     5
 18. iy    :    11
 19. v     :     5
 20. uw    :     7
 21. y     :     7
 22. p     :    10
 23. ah    :     7
 24. er    :     8
 25. eh    :    21
 26. r     :    23
 27. ow    :    11
 28. f     :     4
 29. g     :     9
 30. s     :    12
 31. th    :     6
 32. hh    :    10
 33. dh    :     4
 34. ao    :     4
 35. ay    :    10
 36. zh    :     4
 37. ey    :    13
 38. el    :     6
 39. jh    :     4
 40. en    :     4
 41. uh    :     5
 42. oy    :     4
 43. w     :     2
 44. sil   :     2

Dictionary ./interim_files/dict created

        Step 3 - Recording the Data
already completed manually

        Step 4 - Creating Transcription Files
writing to mlf file ./interim_files/words.mlf
writing to ./interim_files/words.mlf file done

        Step 5 - Coding the (Audio) Data

        Step 6 - Creating Monophones
making hmm0

making hmm1

making hmm2

making hmm3

        Step 7 - Fixing the Silence Model
making hmm4

making hmm5

making hmm6

making hmm7

        Step 8 - Realigning the Training Data
realign hmm7

***Please review the following HVite output***:

C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HVite.exe -A -D -T 1 -l * -o SWT -b silence -C ./input_files/config -H ./interim_files/hmm7/macros -H ./interim_files/hmm7/hmmdefs -i ./interim_files/aligned.mlf -m -t 250.0 150.0 1000.0 -y lab -a -I ./interim_files/words.mlf -S ./interim_files/train.scp ./interim_files/dict1 ./interim_files/monophones1

HTK Configuration Parameters[10]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
#                 NUMCEPS                       12
#                 CEPLIFTER                     22
#                 NUMCHANS                      26
#                 PREEMCOEF               0.970000
#                 USEHAMMING                  TRUE
#                 WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
#                 SAVEWITHCRC                 TRUE
#                 SAVECOMPRESSED              TRUE
#                 TARGETRATE         100000.000000
#                 TARGETKIND          MFCC_0_D_N_Z

Read 44 physical / 44 logical HMMs
Label file will be used to align each file
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample1.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE silence  ==  [1538 frames] -51.0162 [Ac=-78462.9 LM=0.0] (Act=10.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample2.mfc
Created lattice with 12 nodes / 11 arcs from label file
silence GRIP WRIST SHOULDER ELBOW LEFT RIGHT OPEN CLOSE UP DOWN silence  ==  [1084 frames] -55.8296 [Ac=-60519.3 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample3.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence LEFT WRIST RIGHT WRIST LEFT WRIST RIGHT WRIST silence  ==  [894 frames] -56.9095 [Ac=-50877.1 LM=0.0] (Act=9.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample4.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence UP UP DOWN DOWN OPEN OPEN CLOSE CLOSE silence  ==  [1005 frames] -58.3806 [Ac=-58672.5 LM=0.0] (Act=15.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample5.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence SHOULDER SHOULDER ELBOW ELBOW GRIP GRIP silence  ==  [794 frames] -54.8690 [Ac=-43566.0 LM=0.0] (Act=10.8)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample6.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence ELBOW UP ELBOW DOWN SHOULDER UP SHOULDER DOWN silence  ==  [851 frames] -54.3564 [Ac=-46257.3 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample7.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence GRIP OPEN GRIP CLOSE GRIP OPEN GRIP CLOSE silence  ==  [862 frames] -54.5770 [Ac=-47045.4 LM=0.0] (Act=9.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample8.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT LEFT LEFT RIGHT RIGHT silence  ==  [926 frames] -52.0902 [Ac=-48235.5 LM=0.0] (Act=10.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample9.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence LIGHT RIGHT LIGHT RIGHT LIGHT RIGHT silence  ==  [909 frames] -51.6320 [Ac=-46933.5 LM=0.0] (Act=14.0)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample10.mfc
Created lattice with 10 nodes / 9 arcs from label file
silence ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF silence  ==  [1011 frames] -50.6389 [Ac=-51196.0 LM=0.0] (Act=9.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample11.mfc
Created lattice with 7 nodes / 6 arcs from label file
silence BOOKENDS KENNEL KENNETH KENYA WEEKEND silence  ==  [749 frames] -54.3252 [Ac=-40689.6 LM=0.0] (Act=9.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample12.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence BELT BELOW BEND AEROBIC DASHBOARD DATABASE silence  ==  [830 frames] -54.9707 [Ac=-45625.7 LM=0.0] (Act=9.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample13.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence GATEWAY GATORADE GAZEBO AFGHAN AGAINST AGATHA silence  ==  [824 frames] -55.5061 [Ac=-45737.0 LM=0.0] (Act=9.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample14.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ABALON ABDOMINALS BODY ABOLISH silence  ==  [670 frames] -52.2072 [Ac=-34978.8 LM=0.0] (Act=6.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample15.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ABOUNDING ABOUT ACCOUNT ALLENTOWN silence  ==  [757 frames] -52.1501 [Ac=-39477.6 LM=0.0] (Act=10.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample16.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ACHIEVE ACTUAL ACUPUNCTURE ADVENTURE silence  ==  [685 frames] -54.1143 [Ac=-37068.3 LM=0.0] (Act=8.0)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample17.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence ALGORITHM ALTHOUGH ALTOGETHER ANOTHER silence  ==  [610 frames] -53.2925 [Ac=-32508.4 LM=0.0] (Act=9.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample18.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BATTLE BEATLE LITTLE METAL silence  ==  [595 frames] -50.0918 [Ac=-29804.6 LM=0.0] (Act=8.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample19.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BITTEN BLATANT BRIGHTEN BRITAIN silence  ==  [542 frames] -51.3546 [Ac=-27834.2 LM=0.0] (Act=8.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample20.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BROOKHAVEN HOOD BROUHAHA BULLHEADS silence  ==  [652 frames] -53.4715 [Ac=-34863.4 LM=0.0] (Act=7.8)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample21.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence BUSBOYS CHOICE COILS COIN silence  ==  [553 frames] -53.1733 [Ac=-29404.8 LM=0.0] (Act=6.3)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample22.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence COLLECTION COLORATION COMBINATION COMMERCIAL silence  ==  [587 frames] -54.3514 [Ac=-31904.3 LM=0.0] (Act=6.6)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample23.mfc
Created lattice with 6 nodes / 5 arcs from label file
silence MIDDLE NEEDLE POODLE SADDLE silence  ==  [593 frames] -52.7276 [Ac=-31267.5 LM=0.0] (Act=8.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample24.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence ALRIGHT ARTHRITIS BRIGHT COPYRIGHT CRITERIA RIGHT silence  ==  [753 frames] -56.1655 [Ac=-42292.6 LM=0.0] (Act=8.1)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample25.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence COUPLE CRADLE CRUMBLE silence  ==  [427 frames] -53.4377 [Ac=-22817.9 LM=0.0] (Act=8.5)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample26.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CUBA CUBE CUMULATIVE silence  ==  [499 frames] -53.2716 [Ac=-26582.5 LM=0.0] (Act=11.1)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample27.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CURING CURLING CYCLING silence  ==  [489 frames] -51.9720 [Ac=-25414.3 LM=0.0] (Act=7.2)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample28.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence CYNTHIA DANFORTH DEPTH silence  ==  [495 frames] -53.8249 [Ac=-26643.3 LM=0.0] (Act=6.9)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample29.mfc
Created lattice with 5 nodes / 4 arcs from label file
silence DIGEST DIGITAL DILIGENT silence  ==  [536 frames] -52.9766 [Ac=-28395.4 LM=0.0] (Act=6.7)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample30.mfc
Created lattice with 7 nodes / 6 arcs from label file
silence AMNESIA ASIA AVERSION BEIGE BEIJING silence  ==  [740 frames] -54.0696 [Ac=-40011.5 LM=0.0] (Act=6.4)
Aligning File: ../train/mfcc/sample31.mfc
Created lattice with 8 nodes / 7 arcs from label file
silence HELP HELLO HELMET HELPLESS AHEAD HELP silence  ==  [841 frames] -53.4321 [Ac=-44936.4 LM=0.0] (Act=11.2)

HTK Configuration Parameters[10]
  Module/Tool     Parameter                  Value
                  NUMCEPS                       12
                  CEPLIFTER                     22
                  NUMCHANS                      26
                  PREEMCOEF               0.970000
                  USEHAMMING                  TRUE
                  WINDOWSIZE         250000.000000
                  SAVEWITHCRC                 TRUE
                  SAVECOMPRESSED              TRUE
                  TARGETRATE         100000.000000
                  TARGETKIND          MFCC_0_D_N_Z

making hmm8

making hmm9

        Step 9 - Making Triphones from Monophones
making triphones

making hmm10

making hmm11

making hmm12

        Step 10 - Making Tied-State Triphones
making hmm13

  ERROR [+2662]  AssignStructure: cannot find tree for b state 2
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HHEd.exe
making hmm14

  ERROR [+5010]  InitSource: Cannot open source file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+7010]  InitHMMSet: Can't open list file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+2321]  Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HERest.exe
making hmm15

  ERROR [+5010]  InitSource: Cannot open source file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+7010]  InitHMMSet: Can't open list file ./interim_files/tiedlist
  ERROR [+2321]  Initialise: MakeHMMSet failed
 FATAL ERROR - Terminating program C:\cygwin\HTK\htk-3.3-windows-binary\htk\HERest.exe
cp: cannot stat `./interim_files/hmm15/hmmdefs': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./interim_files/tiedlist': No such file or directory
