
Falta de realimentación
User: Federico Prat
Date: 2/20/2015 3:02 pm
Views: 5118
Rating: 1

Estaría bien algo más de realimentación cuando contribuyes. No sé: fácil acceso inmediato a tu propia grabación, un mensaje de "tu contribución ha sido recibida correctamente"... o, al menos, que sea cierto que la grabación que haces un día está disponible al día siguiente. Vaya, algo, y no esto.

O, a lo peor, es que ha fallado todo silenciosamente a la hora de subir la contribución... ya dos veces. :(

Re: Falta de realimentación
User: kmaclean
Date: 2/21/2015 1:11 pm
Views: 172
Rating: 1

google translate:

I'd rather something more feedback when you contribute . I do not know :
Easy immediate access  to your own recording, a message "Your contribution
has been correctly received " ... or , at least ,  it is true that the
 recording you do one day is available the next day. Oops, something , not this.
Or , at worst , is that everything has quietly failed when the contribution ...
and up twice. :(

as I stated in my email to you:

we get spam submissions, and as a result the submissions need to reviewed prior to addition to the corpus, which I do when I have time...

I can see your 2 submissions under the username: FredericoPrat

