
User: Antonio
Date: 7/24/2009 9:28 am
Views: 7094
Rating: 14

Adorei a ideia de uma ferramenta open source para o reconhecimento de voz, parabens pela ideia.

Confesso que fiquei desiludido quando seleciono portugues para dar a minha contribuiçao ao projecto e o idioma que e apresentado e o portugues do brasil, e nao o portugues PORTUGUES.


Re: Desiludido
User: kmaclean
Date: 7/28/2009 4:58 pm
Views: 299
Rating: 11

Google translation:

I love the idea of an open source tool for voice recognition, the idea parabens.

I confess that I was disappointed when I select Portuguese to give my contribution to the project and the language that is presented and Brazilian Portuguese, not Portuguese PORTUGUESE.

You more than welcome to offer a translation of the VoxForge speech submission application.   See this post for instructions on how to do this:

SpeechSubmission Java Applet Localization.

