Speaker Characteristics:
Gender: male
Age range: Adult
Pronunication dialect: Maritimes, Canada
Recording Information:
Microphone: Cyberacoustics headset
Audio Card: Built-in audio card
Audio Recording Software: Audacity rel 1.2.3
O/S: Linux - Fedora Core 4
File Info:
File type: wav
Sampling rate: 48000Hz
Sample rate format: 16bit
Number of channels: 1
Copyright (C) 2010 MacLean
These files are free software; you can
redistribute them and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU General
Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
These files are distributed in the hope that
they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
the GNU General Public License for more details.
Transcriptions (i.e. the prompts file):
*/a0181 So cheer up, and give us your paw. */a0182 This time he did not yap for mercy. */a0183 And the air was growing chilly. */a0184 Don't you see, I'm chewing this thing in two. */a0185 The questions may have come vaguely in his mind. */a0186 Like a flash he launched himself into the feathered mass of the owl. */a0187 Ahead of them they saw a glimmer of sunshine. */a0188 Two gigantic owls were tearing at the carcass. */a0189 The big-eyed, clucking moose-birds were most annoying. */a0190 Next to them the Canada jays were most persistent. */a0191 For a time the exciting thrill of his adventure was gone. */a0192 He did not rush in. */a0193 It was edged with ice. */a0194 He drank of the water cautiously. */a0195 But a strange thing happened. */a0196 He began to follow the footprints of the dog. */a0197 Such a dog the wise driver kills, or turns loose. */a0198 Sometimes her dreams were filled with visions. */a0199 Thus had the raw wilderness prepared him for this day. */a0200 He leapt again, and the club caught him once more.