
User: Peterix
Date: 8/30/2007 6:23 pm
Views: 2190
Rating: 68    Rate [

Could it be possible to use VOIP for submitting speech? Long distance  (between countries) calls aren't cheap.

It would be nice if anyone with Ekiga or similar software could just open it and start talking.

User: kmaclean
Date: 8/31/2007 9:43 pm
Views: 461
Rating: 34    Rate [

Hi Peterix,

This is something trevarthan (the creator of the VoxForgeIVR app) and I discussed earlier in the summer, for the very reason you mentioned.

I was thinking of getting a Virtual Private Server (with a high bandwidth Internet connection) with an ISP, and Trevarthan was interested in moving his app to the VPS server, but I have not had a chance to look at it in detail yet (not sure my budget can handle this yet).   His app is Asterisk based, so it would support VoIP codecs as well.

The problem with implementing a VoIP solution in our current server environment is that the server that handles the front-end VoxForge server  only has a low-bandwidth Internet connection (I have tried Ekiga communications with some success, but calls get dropped occasionally - and that is only with one simultaneous caller ...).  The VoxForge Repository has a high bandwidth connection, but Asterisk requires root access (I think...), which we don't have.

We are currently looking at Java Applet and Flash solutions to this problem (i.e. an easy app to present prompts to the users and let them record their speech, and easily submit it to VoxForge).

