
Can't Record
User: Stinky Wizzleteen
Date: 11/7/2008 7:46 am
Views: 10848
Rating: 22

I can't record using this app. I can confirm the firefox fix of closing tabs which allows me to record/playback, but nothing gets recorded and, consequently, nothing is played back!

You would probably get many more submissions if you just make it easy. Something like:

"Click here to upload audio file". Make sure it's in WAV format!

You don't really need people to log in either. Just log their IP address and show them that you're logging it by making it a read-only field as part of their submission.

Re: Can't Record
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/7/2008 12:27 pm
Views: 2263
Rating: 29

Hi Stinky,

>I can't record using this app. [...] but nothing gets recorded and,

>consequently, nothing is played back!

Are you using a USB microphone?  Did you check the Java Applet Troubleshooting page?

>You would probably get many more submissions if you just

>make it easy. Something like:

>"Click here to upload audio file".

Good idea, I'll add this to Trac...

>Make sure it's in WAV format!

Not sure what you mean here... the speechsubmission ap records only in wav format.  Are you talking about other options to upload speech?

>You don't really need people to log in either.

You don't need to log in to submit speech with the speech submission applet.

