
Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: aaz
Date: 8/11/2009 4:42 am
Views: 17988
Rating: 16

I've got an ant script to convert AcousticModels.tgz into msu_ru_nsh....jar suitable for sphinx4.

How can I submit it?

Re: Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: nsh
Date: 8/11/2009 2:31 pm
Views: 150
Rating: 13

Thank you very much, but I don't really understand what did you got and what do you want to submit and where.

Re: Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: aaz
Date: 8/12/2009 1:10 am
Views: 2769
Rating: 13

Sphinx4 can use a sphinx3 acoustic model. I order to use one, as far as I understand, it is necessary to repack the acoustic model with a new directory layout. So build.xml does this function - moves files to their new places, compiles necessary accessor classes and creates a jar file with the stuff.

If someone wants to use sphinx4 as an ASR engine, then they will have to somehow convert AcousticModels.tgz to jar format of sphinx4.

I've got both - an ant script build.xml and the result of the transformation -  msu_ru_nsh_8gau_13dCep_16k_40mel_130Hz_6800Hz.jar.

I think these can be placed in one of the following ways:

  1. build.xml - goes to trunk/scripts in dev.
  2. ...jar goes to the same folder as AcousticModels.tgz (downloads/russian...)
  3. build.xml along with ..jar goes to downloads/Russian/Trunk/AcousticModels/sphinx4.
  4. other ways.


Re: Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: nsh
Date: 8/12/2009 2:07 am
Views: 206
Rating: 12

> it is necessary to repack the acoustic model with a new directory layout

It isn't. You can just point to the model data in config file:

  <component name="model" type="edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.TiedStateAcousticModel">
    <property name="loader" value="sphinx3Loader"/>
    <property name="unitManager" value="unitManager"/>

  <component name="sphinx3Loader"             type="edu.cmu.sphinx.linguist.acoustic.tiedstate.Sphinx3Loader">
        <property name="logMath" value="logMath"/>
        <property name="unitManager" value="unitManager"/>
        <property name="dataLocation" value="file:model"/>
        <property name="modelDefinition" value="file:model/mdef"/>

> I think these can be placed in one of the following ways

Instead sphinx4 documentation should be updated


Re: Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: Visitor
Date: 8/12/2009 9:15 am
Views: 5494
Rating: 13

Well. It is really surpising. I'd found no key in sphinx4 documentation describing this method.

However, this method, I guess, requires a user to unpack AcousticModel to some folder and use files directly. One can find it more convenient to use suggested sphinx4 format because it offers better modularity and maintainability.

Re: Sphinx3 model to Sphinx4 model
User: nsh
Date: 8/13/2009 5:22 pm
Views: 416
Rating: 15

Ok, the next release will come with jar included.

How to Use Models from SphinxTrain in Sphinx-4
User: kmaclean
Date: 1/8/2010 8:49 pm
Views: 4818
Rating: 14

Official cmusphinx docs showing how to accomplish this: How to Use Models from SphinxTrain in Sphinx-4
