
Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/25/2008 7:11 pm
Views: 131
Rating: 9

HI Ivan,

>I need help in order to upload all my spanish speech recognition to

>subversion repository

I thought I replied to all my outstanding emails, but I must have missed that one...

To checkout the code in the VoxForge Spanish subversion repository, execute this command:

    $ svn checkout

This will create a Trunk directory on your computer in your current directory (the Trunk directory is your "working copy").  You need to checkout the Trunk before you can upload any new content to the subversion repository.

To add a new file (or directory) to the VoxForge Subversion Repository, (1) create the file in your Trunk directory, and then (2) svn add it to your local "working copy", then (3) svn commit it to the Voxforge Repository as follows:

    $ svn add -N /Trunk/test

(where test can be a file name or a library name)

    $ svn commit -m "comment describing changes you made" Trunk

Authentication realm: <> VoxForge Subversion Server
Password for 'yourusername':

Adding         Trunk/test
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 10.

It will ask you for a password for the username you are currently logged-in as on your computer.  If that is different than the one you use for VoxForge Subversion, then hit enter, and Subversion will ask for a username and then a password.  Use the username and password I sent you in my Nov 12 email to you.

This whole process is done much more easily using an SVN client (like Rapidsvn or kdesvn) or from and IDE (like Eclipse).


Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: ubanov
Date: 11/26/2008 1:44 pm
Views: 201
Rating: 10

I wrote you a email in hotmail last week, but it's not in my sent folder... then I suppose that the problem was mine or hotmail.

I didn't only that I needed was the svn add * command :-P

Today I have checked out the directory, then make changes, and begin to commit the changes. In the middle of the process I have a problem with the network, and have one error.

Now I can't commit the changes again.

svn: Commit failed (details follow):

svn: MKACTIVITY of '/svn/es/!svn/act/5e6c0c2c-2b13-495d-bbd9-22f73b1956ef': Could not parse response status line. (
May be anything is corrupted?

Thanks in advance.

Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: ubanov
Date: 11/26/2008 5:43 pm
Views: 203
Rating: 10

Browsing Internet, I have found the response. The problem is that in my home I have a squid proxy in mode transparent, and then appear the situation described in the following page:

I have desactivated the transparent proxy, and now I'm uploading the contents to svn.

When the upload is finished I will post one email in the forum.

The trunk has all the spanish voices ready to compile julian files with HTK.

In the trunk there are more phrases than in the site (Ken maybe you could update site with new ones? they are easy to look for :-D


Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: kmaclean
Date: 12/1/2008 11:28 am
Views: 1846
Rating: 8

HI Ubanov,

>Ken maybe you could update site with new ones?

I need to add the Spanish svn repository to my automatic VoxForge Speech Corpus Respitory scripts... then, as you add new audio to the svn repository, it will automatically create gzipped tar files in:

basically replicating the svn structure but on a server that has quicker download speeds.


Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: buhochileno
Date: 11/25/2008 5:39 am
Views: 137
Rating: 7

Hi Ken:

I having problems to upload my voices files (70mb aprox) to the

do I need some special permision?, I'm adding those files as a attachment, may be I doing something wrong?





Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: buhochileno
Date: 11/25/2008 9:50 am
Views: 883
Rating: 7

Hi Mauricio,

>I having problems to upload my voices files (70mb aprox)

Unfortunately, WebGUI (the cms I use) doesn't notify you when you exceed the maximum allowed upload size... (it is currently set to 50meg).

Please use the VoxForge FTP site to upload anything larger than 50Mb, and let me know about your file (I don't alway notice the FTP uploads...) with a forum post entry in the Spanish Forum, and I will create a link to the file for others to download.



Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: buhochileno
Date: 11/25/2008 6:10 pm
Views: 81
Rating: 8


I upñoad my session sucessfully to ftp server, file:


in a couple of days I going to upload another session with a better mic and I convince to a couple of guys here at my Uni to donate his I going to upload all to the ftp and let you know..





Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: buhochileno
Date: 11/25/2008 10:05 am
Views: 71
Rating: 7

Hi all,

  I have writen 70 phrases for the training process of spanish. I'm from spain, and for me the phrases are usuals.

  Could any one revise the phrases and the phonemes, in order to see, if they could be used, or see if the phrases could be corrected in order to make easier for pleople from other spanish countries.

Thanks in advance to all.

Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/25/2008 10:16 am
Views: 117
Rating: 10

Hi buhochileno,

>P.S: Ken: do I need some special permision to be able to add a attach of

>about 80mb on the

>/step-3/upload  ?
Oops, sorry, I missed this question - already answered here.


P.S. I just attended my first Canadian National Robot Games with my 6-year old son this past weekend.  Very cool stuff, though there were no competitions involving robots with speech recognition... yet  :) 

It was interesting to see that everyone seemed to be using Windows-based PCs to program their robots.  I'm glad to see some work being done with Linux!

Re: New training phrases for spanish
User: nsh
Date: 11/25/2008 12:50 pm
Views: 61
Rating: 10

Massepur is doing this robot with sphinx:

so actually there is a huge interest in ASR in this domain.
