General Discussion

Please add Cantonese
User: Ernest Tse
Date: 5/22/2008 9:22 am
Views: 8238
Rating: 31


 Would you please add Cantonese ?

And how can use this for Asterisk PBX? Is that possible?

Thank you!


[email protected]

Re: Please add Cantonese
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/23/2008 8:22 am
Views: 213
Rating: 29

Hi Ernest,

>Would you please add Cantonese ?

If I can get the translations, I can set up the speech submission app to collect Catonese speech.  Please see this forum post SpeechSubmission Java Applet Localization for what needs to be translated.


Re: Please add Cantonese
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/23/2008 8:39 am
Views: 338
Rating: 40

>And how can use this for Asterisk PBX? Is that possible?

Yes, it is possible.

But the only speech recognition app that I have seen that can be used with Asterisk is Sphinx, and we don't create Sphinx acoustic models, yet... So you would have to train your own acoustic models.



Re: Please add Cantonese
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/29/2008 9:03 am
Views: 3403
Rating: 30

Sorry, I should clarify this.  The nightly acoustic model build scripts create a new English acoustic models for the Julius/HTK speech recognition engines on a daily basis. We don't do this for Sphinx, yet...

We do have Sphinx acoustic models (thanks to nsh) for other languages like Dutch, German, and Russian (see the download page).  However, these are not generated automatically on a daily basis.

