General Discussion

Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: kmaclean
Date: 4/29/2015 8:47 pm
Views: 83
Rating: 1

>Do you have any plans for making the Persian section public?

It's public now.  You may need to clear your browser cache for the changes to be visible.

There still some backend stuff that needs to be done on my end (like setting up its Subversion respository, update backup scripts, metrics page., etc.) but we can start collecting speech now.

I'll let the updates 'soak' for a few days before making an announcement.

thanks for all your help!


Re: Java Applet Localisation for Persian (Farsi) Languge
User: mrt_doulaty
Date: 4/30/2015 3:36 pm
Views: 3428
Rating: 1

Thanks Ken!

I also edited the 'Listen' page (the text looked like MT, and quite terrible)

