Speech Recognition in the News

Google Voice Dialer
User: dano
Date: 10/22/2008 6:58 am
Views: 6877
Rating: 8

Google Android has its own speech recognition engine, which is used by their application VoiceDialer.

You can check out the code on http://source.android.com/download

It is licensed in apache license, which is compatible with GPL.

Re: Google Voice Dialer
User: kmaclean
Date: 10/22/2008 12:54 pm
Views: 249
Rating: 9

Hi Dano,

Very cool! Thanks for the update.

Here is the link to the GIT source viewer for the VoiceDialer application in the Android repository: http://git.source.android.com/?p=platform/packages/apps/VoiceDialer.git.

For those interested in looking at the source for the Speech Recognition engine, here is the link: http://git.source.android.com/?p=platform/external/srec.git.

