Speech Recognition Engines

Output of Julius to a C program
User: pg19
Date: 11/22/2014 5:31 am
Views: 4954
Rating: 1


I have built Julius using HTK acoustic model on Ubuntu 14.04. I would like to get the output to a C program to control a robot. I am running the robot using Eclipse Luna so if I could get the output to this program would be great. Any ideas ? Thanks.

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Re: Output of Julius to a C program
User: kmaclean
Date: 11/22/2014 8:43 am
Views: 2256
Rating: 1

>I would like to get the output to a C program to control a robot.

Julius is written in C and can operate in client/server mode - you could integrate the client code into your program, or call the client using the exec() or system() functions. 

Look at how Julius can be called with a scripting language.

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