Speech Recognition Engines

Julius final output result in tamil
User: tharindum
Date: 3/4/2010 7:04 am
Views: 6708
Rating: 5


I'm developing a speech recognition system using Julius. There I use a small acoustic model developed by me. It is consists of tamil characters in unicode. I could create this acoustic model without any problem, even it contains tamil characters in unicode.

When I used this acoustic model in Julius sample app it shows the result in some abnormal font(Which is unable to understand).


  • Do Julius support unicode and can display result in tamil or,
  • I have to rewrite all tamil words in english letters
Thank you


--- (Edited on 3/4/2010 7:04 am [GMT-0600] by ) ---

Re: Julius final output result in tamil
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/8/2010 10:25 pm
Views: 101
Rating: 6

>When I used this acoustic model in Julius sample app it shows the

>result in some abnormal font

does it work with HTK's HVite? 

>Do Julius support unicode and can display result in tamil or,

Julius should work with unicode since it was originally developed for Japanese speech recognition.


--- (Edited on 3/8/2010 11:25 pm [GMT-0500] by kmaclean) ---

try to import your Tamil dictionary into simon
User: ralfherzog
Date: 3/20/2010 2:56 pm
Views: 228
Rating: 4

Hello! I have a different approach for you. You could try to import your Tamil dictionary into simon (e.g. HTK format is supported). At least, I was able to import 60.000 Tamil words into simon (PLS format). It would be interesting to know whether you would be successful with this approach.

"rewrite all tamil words in english letters" - you can try that. Encoding issues can be pretty difficult to solve. With English letters, you don't have this problem.

--- (Edited on 2010-03-20 2:56 pm [GMT-0500] by ralfherzog) ---

Re: try to import your Tamil dictionary into simon
User: 12074n12
Date: 5/7/2010 9:46 am
Views: 2383
Rating: 5


Can I know how do you change the output from the default into tamil language?

Which file you need to modify?

Thanks in advance

--- (Edited on 5/7/2010 9:46 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
