Speech Recognition Engines

julius - detect from sound card in windows
User: crosemffet
Date: 12/15/2013 7:15 am
Views: 2393
Rating: 11

hello, and thanks for your support in advance,
I'm using julius successfully, with -input mic
the problem is I need to detect in realtime from the computer sound card, not only the microphone.
I need to detect my voice speaking, and the other one (the idea is detect isolated words in one sip conversation, in realtime).
obviously, the sip conversation goes trough my sound card, i.e. Skype call.
actually, I'm developing under windows platform, any idea will be really useful.
I'm running against clock to solve this problem.
so thanks again.

--- (Edited on 12/15/2013 7:16 am [GMT-0600] by ) ---
