Speech Recognition Engines

HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: jei360
Date: 3/18/2021 12:25 pm
Views: 4830
Rating: 0


This is my first post here. I was not sure where else to talk but this seemed like the best place. So I want to phonetically align some speech data that I have using the Penn Phonetic Labs Forced Aligner(P2FA), which requires HTK 3.4.0 to work. I failed to install 3.4.0 successfully (for an error I cannot recall) so I then tried installing the later version (3.4.1) which installed successfully. Afterwards I was able to align the speech data P2FA successfully, but when I try to align data with multiple words, I would get an error because apparantly it has trouble transcribing the "sp" token (for spaces). Afterwards I tried once more to install 3.4.0 and it still did not install successfully. Since then I  have found a fix online for the error I am experiencing but now for some reason I am unable to install either of these versions of HTK, and currently get the same error for both of them, and that is where I am currently at.

To give some context, my OS is Windows 10 but I am running the linux version HTK using Ubuntu 20.04 (because P2FA operates better on a linux environment). I start by running the following commands: (commands are in bold)


:~$ cd "/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/htk"

:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/htk$ ./configure --without-x --disable-hslab

:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/htk$ make all

/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/htk$ sudo make install


For simplicity I did not include the results I got for the above commands as I did not get any errors

PS: I disable hslab because I was getting an error before and this was the only solution I found online that worked

Afterwards, I entered the following commands and then it warned me about some missing directories. I then made the directories and run the command again and that is when I got the error.  



/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/htk$ cd ..

/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)$ cd ./samples
/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples$ cd HTKDemo
/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples/HTKDemo$ ./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf

 Test Config File Read
Parameter         Value
hsKind              p
covKind             d
nStreams            1
nMixes              1
Context             m
TiedState           n
VQ_clust            l
HERest_Iter         3
HERest_par_mode     n
Clean_up            y
Trace_tool_calls    y

HCopy               n
HList               n
HQuant              n
HLEd                n
HInit               y
HRest               y
HERest              y
HSmooth             n
HVite               y
Cleaning up directories
Done cleaning

./MakeProtoHMMSet protoconfs/proto_s1_m1_dc.pcf
 Proto Config File Read
Parameter         Value
hsKind              p
covKind             d
nStates             3
nStreams            1
sWidths             26
mixes               1
parmKind            MFCC_E_D
vecSize             26
outDir              proto
hmmList             lists/bcplist
Can't open proto at ./MakeProtoHMMSet line 101, <> line 21.
Can't open hmms/hmm.0
:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples/HTKDemo$ mkdir proto
:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples/HTKDemo$ mkdir hmms
:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples/HTKDemo$ mkdir hmms/hmm.0
:/mnt/c/Users/admin/Downloads/HTK_Linux(3.4.0)/samples/HTKDemo$ ./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf

 Test Config File Read
Parameter         Value
hsKind              p
covKind             d
nStreams            1
nMixes              1
Context             m
TiedState           n
VQ_clust            l
HERest_Iter         3
HERest_par_mode     n
Clean_up            y
Trace_tool_calls    y

HCopy               n
HList               n
HQuant              n
HLEd                n
HInit               y
HRest               y
HERest              y
HSmooth             n
HVite               y
Cleaning up directories
Done cleaning

./MakeProtoHMMSet protoconfs/proto_s1_m1_dc.pcf
 Proto Config File Read
Parameter         Value
hsKind              p
covKind             d
nStates             3
nStreams            1
sWidths             26
mixes               1
parmKind            MFCC_E_D
vecSize             26
outDir              proto
hmmList             lists/bcplist

Writing HMMSet
Writing HMMDef to proto/S
Writing HMMDef to proto/C
Writing HMMDef to proto/V
Writing HMMDef to proto/N
Writing HMMDef to proto/L

Calling HInit for HMM S
sh: 1: HInit: Exec format error

Calling HInit for HMM C
sh: 1: HInit: Exec format error

Calling HInit for HMM V
sh: 1: HInit: Exec format error

Calling HInit for HMM N
sh: 1: HInit: Exec format error

Calling HInit for HMM L
sh: 1: HInit: Exec format error
Source Directory Empty hmms/hmm.0


I even reinstalled Ubuntu just in case it had anything to do with the root folders and installing HTK multiple times, but nothing changes. I cannot find any information on this error anywhere, so I would really appreciate if anyone could give me some insight as to whats wrong.

--- (Edited on 3/18/2021 12:25 pm [GMT-0500] by jei360) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: kmaclean
Date: 3/19/2021 11:27 am
Views: 42
Rating: 0

I'm running HTK 3.5.0 on Ubuntu 20.04... I tried running the HTKDemo script you ran and got an error too (different from yours), but the HTK tools work fine... 

Have you tried running P2FA with what you managed to compile in HTK 3.4?


P.S. This might help: P2FA for Python3.x

--- (Edited on 3/19/2021 12:28 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: jei360
Date: 3/22/2021 1:55 am
Views: 734
Rating: 0

This is what came up when I tried running p2fa:


sh: 1: HCopy: Exec format error

sh: 1: HVite: Exec format error

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "align.py", line 316, in <module>

    writeTextGrid(outfile, readAlignedMLF(output_mlf, SR, float(wave_start)))

  File "align.py", line 130, in readAlignedMLF

    f = open(mlffile, 'r')

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: './tmp/aligned.mlf'

--- (Edited on 3/22/2021 1:55 am [GMT-0500] by jei360) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: richardsrobinso880
Date: 11/22/2021 1:29 am
Views: 173
Rating: 0

I find it complicated than usual, did you fixed it already?

--- (Edited on 11/22/2021 1:29 am [GMT-0600] by ) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: chaples199
Date: 12/7/2021 12:11 am
Views: 345
Rating: 0

I feel you, until now I can't figured it. 

--- (Edited on 12/7/2021 12:11 am [GMT-0600] by chaples199) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: richardsjenkins70
Date: 2/26/2022 5:53 am
Views: 119
Rating: 0

Same here.

--- (Edited on 2/26/2022 5:53 am [GMT-0600] by richardsjenkins70) ---

Re: HTK HInit: Exec format error
User: Marie
Date: 3/24/2022 12:15 pm
Views: 1232
Rating: 0

Same here too..

--- (Edited on 3/24/2022 12:15 pm [GMT-0500] by Marie) ---
