Speech Recognition Engines

how to remove some features from speech and then test it
User: advise20023
Date: 9/2/2012 9:56 am
Views: 2318
Rating: 6

i am studying the effect of removing the vector features from the sound iam beginner in that field so  iwant anyone tell me iam work right or wrong iam used etsi_fe_v2_0.tar.gz (ETSI front end ) to extract feature and  remove some features during extraction


i use .raw file in the experiment the take output from front end


as .dcf file then i put it in HTKDemo samples in configs and protoconf every time i have the same error














$ ./runDemo configs/monPlainM1S1.dcf


Cannot find proto config file /proto_s_m_c.pcf


i would be pleased to  if  anyone help me


and if there if another program to use instead to have results can any one tell me ????????????????

--- (Edited on 9/2/2012 9:56 am [GMT-0500] by advise20023) ---
