Speech Recognition Engines

How can I use HTK with my own data in text/matlab/binary format?
User: zoezheng
Date: 4/2/2012 10:59 am
Views: 7405
Rating: 8

How can I use HTK with my own data in text/matlab/binary format?

You need to convert your data to the HTK parameter format (you can eiter use the USER parameter kind or pretend they are MFCC or similar). Typically this involves writing a small programm that does the conversion.---------HTK FAQ

Anybody can explain it in detail?

--- (Edited on 4/2/2012 10:59 am [GMT-0500] by zoezheng) ---

Re: How can I use HTK with my own data in text/matlab/binary format?
User: NancyZxll
Date: 5/1/2012 6:51 pm
Views: 1337
Rating: 7

I think it means that the HTK can only focus on .mfcc file rather than binary format files.

You need to transfer your binary format into .mfcc format.

.mfcc is a description of tens of parameters, which can be used as training and testi data.

To be clarify, the HMM model compares the .mfcc files generated by training and test audio files.

The audio files can be .sig format, generated by HSLab command in HTK; also can be .wav format, generated by Audacity. Unfortunately, my HTK cannot deal with .wav format. It's really wired....

--- (Edited on 5/1/2012 6:51 pm [GMT-0500] by NancyZxll) ---

Re: How can I use HTK with my own data in text/matlab/binary format?
User: natasya
Date: 3/16/2018 7:35 am
Views: 1421
Rating: 0

Hello, are you already found the solution for that problem?

because now i got same problem, but i not found the solution. I already try some solution on google but no one work on me. Could you help me to explain the solution for this problem?


--- (Edited on 3/16/2018 7:35 am [GMT-0500] by ) ---
