Speech Recognition Engines

Error on Acoustic model training, SYSTEM_ERROR: No such file or directory
User: shimuldey
Date: 9/25/2012 4:47 pm
Views: 5637
Rating: 7

Operating System : Ubuntu 11.10
Using Software : sphinxbase-0.7 , sphinxtrain-1.0.7 , pocketsphinx-0.7

after creating the task in my project folder sbs_asr by this command

../sphinxtrain/scripts_pl/setup_SphinxTrain.pl -task sbs_asr

i got the folder structre that are required for training. after that when i execute the command

perl scripts_pl/make_feats.pl -ctl etc/sbs_asr_train.fileids

for feature fiels making than i got an error

INFO: sphinx_fe.c(862): Converting /root/tutorial/sbs_asr/wav/sbs_asr_train/sanjoy/011.wav to /root/tutorial/sbs_asr/feat/sbs_asr_train/sanjoy/011.mfc
SYSTEM_ERROR: "sphinx_fe.c", line 276: Failed to open /root/tutorial/sbs_asr/wav/sbs_asr_train/sanjoy/011.wav; No such file or directory

In this error it says it cant find my wav file but the wav folder contains the file and i can see that it understand my folder stucture too and its correct but why its not finding the wave file i can't understand.

Please help me to get rid of this error and making the feature files to train the acoustic model.I am badly need this because i am doing my final year project on this topic.


you can see my etc folder all files,screen-shot of my folders structure and check out the 011.wav file by downloading from this link



--- (Edited on 9/25/2012 4:47 pm [GMT-0500] by shimuldey) ---

Re: Error on Acoustic model training, SYSTEM_ERROR: No such file or directory
User: nsh
Date: 9/27/2012 3:00 am
Views: 2263
Rating: 10

You already asked it here


This forum is not a proper place to ask questions on CMUSphinx and crossposting is not a great idea either.


--- (Edited on 9/27/2012 12:00 [GMT+0400] by nsh) ---
