I recorded some interviews using different platforms. When converted to audio for analysis; some were mono with 16KHz and 69Kbps. Others were stereo with 32Khz and 128Kbps.
Should I covnvert them to the same .wav with mono at 16Khz and 32Bits?
Will that affect the learning algorithm?
--- (Edited on 7/10/2020 6:56 am [GMT-0500] by Dee) ---
>Should I covnvert them to the same .wav with mono at 16Khz and 32Bits?
Sorry, most of my experience has been with HMM-based acoustic models - and for them, yes, they need to be same sampling rate and bits-per-sample
--- (Edited on 7/15/2020 11:38 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---