Dear All,
I am working on Audio segmentation using HTK , I found some solution on this forum. After follows all the step given in Voxforge Audio segmentation Draft , i will able to get aligned out.
But when i used HVite command for long wave file say for more than 50 minute than there is some problem coming i.e.
HVite command stop working.
Then i break this 50minute file into two files, than again run HVite for each file and i am getting aligned output files.
I run (HVite) command as written in Voxforge Audio segmentation Draft page keeping all the parameter same. Is there any need to change parameter for long duration files.
Can any one help me out why this is happing. and also tell me is there any limitation for HVite command.
I m waiting for u people reply .
Mahesh Bhargava
--- (Edited on 8/12/2010 6:57 am [GMT-0500] by bhargava.mahesh) ---