General Discussion

speaker recognition task
User: eliekh
Date: 8/22/2013 4:47 pm
Views: 4990
Rating: 14


First, I would like to thank you for the good work here.

I'm wondering if it's legally possible to use Voxforge audio data to do only speaker recognition (and not speech recognition).

Actually, we are planning to make available our speaker recognition tool under GPL, and we want to provide a simple example of how to use it using a free database.

If it is legally possible, we would like to use a very small part of the english corpus.

Thanks for your answer,


--- (Edited on 8/22/2013 4:47 pm [GMT-0500] by ) ---

Re: speaker recognition task
User: kmaclean
Date: 8/22/2013 5:53 pm
Views: 73
Rating: 13

>I'm wondering if it's legally possible to use Voxforge audio data to do only speaker recognition

It is my undertanding that the gpl makes no restriction on use (commercial or otherwise) provided that, if you distribute such an acoustic model with your code, your speaker recognition code is also covered under a gpl compatible license (which you intend to do) and you provide a link to the source you used to create your acoustic model - you can host the audio yourself but it would probably be easier to include a list of the submissions/prompts you used and a link to the VoxForge site.




--- (Edited on 8/22/2013 6:53 pm [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---

Re: speaker recognition task
User: Visitor
Date: 8/22/2013 6:15 pm
Views: 2051
Rating: 13

Ok thanks a lot,

> you can host the audio yourself but it would probably be easier to include a list of the submissions/prompts you used and a link to the VoxForge site.

Yes, I'm willing to provide a list of submissions, and their URL on Voxforge site.



--- (Edited on 8/22/2013 6:15 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
