General Discussion

Julius now using 3-Clause BSD License
User: kmaclean
Date: 5/31/2019 8:58 am
Views: 2820
Rating: 1

From the Julius project page:

Today I announce that Julius's software license has changed to 3-Clause BSD License (a.k.a "Modified BSD License"). The new license is a well-known free software license, compatible with the GNU GPL. The new license became active on May 31 2019.

Julius has been open with an original license, and was already a free software. However, we decided to switch to the widely adopted license to minimize legal efforts at using the software and help more swift and clear usage to wider range of people.

You can now use the codes under the 3-Clause BSD License. But we still "recommends" users to mention the usage of Julius and making a proper reference or citation on their published work. Note that it's not a condition, just a recommendation ;-) See the README section for full details.

(And also notes that the language / acoustic models has their own licenses, apart from Julius)


Lee Akinobu

--- (Edited on 5/31/2019 9:58 am [GMT-0400] by kmaclean) ---
