General Discussion

Error [+2121] HInit: Too Few Observation Sequences[0]
User: nyro22
Date: 8/9/2017 2:07 pm
Views: 3001
Rating: 0

When I run this commnad: 

HInit -S D:\Quechua\data\train.txt -M D:\Quechua\model\hmm0 -H D:\Quechua\model\proto\chunka.txt -l chunka -L D:\Quechua\data\lab chunka

I get error +2121 and I don't know how I can resolve it.
I have 84 files .wav of the word (chunka).
The content of chunka.lab is:
0 344625 chunka

--- (Edited on 8/9/2017 2:07 pm [GMT-0500] by nyro22) ---
