General Discussion

Re: CMU language modeling toolkit installing in Linux
User: Lotfi AMIAR (Loulou)
Date: 12/27/2007 1:43 am
Views: 5860
Rating: 23
Good mornning
Thank you for your response, and I was able now to install it.
I'm another question :

I want to run the tools of CMU toolkit on Linux:
The Tools

I typed : text.txt | text2wfreq >| a.wfreq

The file a.wfreq is generated but it's with 0 byte size and i have an error message : 

bash:text2wfreq: command not found 

I think that is a correct syntax!!

Mr. Tony,

if you like, I ask you to send me a document which will help me to learn the CMU tollkit for Statistical Language Modeling (syntax of different CMU tools with examples).
Thank you Mr.
M. Lotfi AMIAR
E-mail : [email protected]    

--- (Edited on 12/27/2007 1:43 am [GMT-0600] by Visitor) ---

Re: CMU language modeling toolkit installing in Linux
User: nsh
Date: 12/27/2007 2:51 am
Views: 415
Rating: 12

It must be either ./text2wfreq or you have to add folder with executables to your PATH variables.

I suggest you to read before starting with cmulm. This kind of information will be always useful for you.

--- (Edited on 12/27/2007 2:51 am [GMT-0600] by nsh) ---

Re: CMU language modeling toolkit installing in cygwin
User: nsh
Date: 6/19/2007 9:07 am
Views: 242
Rating: 16

Well, cygwin can have problems or incompatibilities with shell scripts. I suppose there are several ways to solve this problem:

1. Install files by hand. You just need to copy compiled binaries to bin directory.

2. Use install-sh from automake cygwin package. It should be in /usr/share/automake-1.../

If you are really interested what's going on there, please add a line 

set -x

to the beginning of install-sh and provide full build log (not just an error message)

--- (Edited on 6/19/2007 9:07 am [GMT-0500] by nsh) ---

Re: CMU language modeling toolkit installing in cygwin
User: Visitor
Date: 6/19/2007 5:47 am
Views: 273
Rating: 9
When you are reporting about problems please always include error message you get.

--- (Edited on 6/19/2007 5:47 am [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
