General Discussion

beginning or getting startet
User: joeldavid
Date: 11/7/2008 5:55 pm
Views: 5665
Rating: 6

can someone tell me how to begin. i ´ve desperatly been looking for a voice recognition. and now since i ´ve finally found this, i cannot get startet, because i don´t understand how it works. i would be thankfull, if someone could give me an introduction. thanx in advance. joel david



--- (Edited on 11/7/2008 6:00 pm [GMT-0600] by joeldavid) ---

Starters can download and install Simon under Windows
User: ralfherzog
Date: 11/11/2008 5:51 am
Views: 2369
Rating: 5


Are you using Windows XP (Vista would be OK, too)? If yes, download and install the file simon-juliusd-0.1-alpha2.1.exe.

Afterwards, you can watch the video tutorial (tree parts) that is available in the German language. In the third part of this video tutorial you can see that Simon is capable to understand spoken words.

This is just a first step, but you should have at least the success to get an impression of the graphical user interface of Simon.

Greetings, Ralf.

--- (Edited on 2008-11-11 5:54 am [GMT-0600] by ralfherzog) ---
