Audio and Prompts Discussions

Re: "Vista gets incredible slow"[SOLVED]
User: jeffersoncarvalho
Date: 8/28/2008 1:08 pm
Views: 57
Rating: 8

By the way, is there any version for MAC OS? If not, it is possible to run the linux version in MAC?

Thanks! Smile

--- (Edited on 8/28/2008 1:09 pm [GMT-0500] by jeffersoncarvalho) ---

Re: "Vista gets incredible slow"[SOLVED]
User: Visitor
Date: 8/28/2008 2:30 pm
Views: 2586
Rating: 3


So far I know they do not provide a Mac build. You could download the source and try to compile it (I don't know it'll work out of the box, maybe you have to change code) if you want to do that. That takes much time. If you want to do that, you could maybe first better write an e-mail to julius-info at

I don't think you'll get the Linux-build version working on Mac,  but you can try it as it is both based on Unix (some Linux-versions of applications do also work on BSD.)

--- (Edited on 8/28/2008 2:30 pm [GMT-0500] by Visitor) ---
