Audio and Prompts Discussions

Regarding adding words in the Voxforge Dictionary
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/29/2010 2:10 pm
Views: 6706
Rating: 13

Email thread from bharathi:

Dear Ken

I am looking for something like adding words and their corresponding phonemes in the Voxforge dictionary. I tried a tool called Sam ( not microsoft sam). But the output of it was a little different from the way voxforge gives it. Also I looked into Legios(cmu software) but that needed inputs that I was nt aware how to generate. I am working on Windows cygwin and typically trying to recognize proper nouns (uncommon ones). Your input on this is greatly appreciated. Thanks 

Warm Regards


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Re: Regarding adding words in the Voxforge Dictionary
User: kmaclean
Date: 6/29/2010 2:11 pm
Views: 2830
Rating: 15

My reply:

See here:

for an approach using Festival.

And here:

for a description of Sequitur which allows you to train a G2P engine on any pronunciation dictionary (like VoxForge's) and generate pronunciations on words not in the original pronunciation dictionary.


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